十一月九日 追求认识主
Follow on to Know the Lord, November 9
“主啊,祢要我作什么”( 徒9:6,英文钦定本)?
Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Acts 9:6. {TDG 322.1}
凡努力争取做胜利者的人,都必遭受仇敌各种试探的追逐。撒但一定要试探他们,败坏那些凡经上帝为他们定立高尚标准之人所必须保持的原则。撒但一旦能够引诱生灵追随错误的见解,直到他们的名字从生命册上涂抹,并记名不义之人中间,他便欢喜快乐了。我们惟有遵照基督得胜的方法才能得胜──那就是全心全意服从上帝一切的命令。真宗教就是遵守上帝的全部诫命。{TDG 322.1}
Those who are striving to be overcomers will be pursued by the temptations of the enemy. Satan will tempt them to corrupt the principles which all must maintain who would reach the high standard that God has set before them. Satan rejoices when he can lead souls to follow mistaken ideas, until their names are blotted out of the book of life and recorded among the names of the unjust. We can overcome only in the way that Christ overcame—by wholehearted obedience to every commandment of God. True religion is obedience to all the commandments of God. {TDG 322.2}
每一个得蒙拯救的生灵都必须放弃自己所有的计划,跟从基督所引领的道路。理解力务必放弃给基督,让祂加以清洁、精炼、和净化。我们一旦正确地接受了基督的教训,这事总是会成就的。噫,我们该是多么地需要对祂有更亲密的认识啊!我们需要研究祂的宗旨,遵行祂的旨意,全心全意的说:“主啊!祢要我做什么?”{TDG 322.2}
Every soul who is saved must surrender his own plans, and follow where Christ leads the way. The understanding must be yielded up to Christ for Him to cleanse and refine and purify. This will always be done when we receive aright the teachings of Christ. O, how much we need a more intimate acquaintance with Him! We need to enter into His purpose, and to carry out His will, saying with the whole heart, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” ... {TDG 322.3}
上帝的儿女要达到高而更高的成就。他要承认一切的罪,好帮助别人得因他的榜样也承认他们的罪,并怀存那生发仁爱以致洁净心灵的信心。他要时常地警戒着,决不静立不动,也决不转身后退,总是朝着标竿直跑,要得着上帝在基督里从上面召他来得的奖赏。……{TDG 322.3}
The child of God is to reach out for higher and still higher attainments. He is to confess every sin, that by his example others may be helped to confess their sins and cherish the faith that works by love to purify the soul. He is to be constantly on guard, never standing still, never turning back, but ever pressing on to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ.... {TDG 322.4}
我们应当永远记着这个事实:时候不多了。不法的事到处都在增多。义人要好像明灯照在世上。上帝的荣耀要藉着他们向世人彰显出来。总要把将来必会发生的严肃事件摆在你们面前──就是那伟大的查案审判和基督的复临。你们和你们的全家都要为那日早作准备。……{TDG 322.4}
We should keep ever before us the fact that time is short. Iniquity is increasing on every hand. The righteous are set as lights in the world. Through them the glory of God is to be revealed to the world. Keep ever before you the solemn events of the future—the great review of the judgment and the coming of Christ. You with your family are to prepare for that day.... {TDG 322.5}
要天天追求认识主,要存心喜乐,知道在祂再来的时候,你们也和祂忠心等候的儿女一同站立,有权利说:“看哪,这是我们的上帝;我们素来等候祂,祂必拯救我们。……我们必因祂的救恩欢喜快乐”(赛25:9)。(《信函》1911年92号,11月9日,致一对夫妇){TDG 322.5}
Follow on day by day to know the Lord, rejoicing that it is your privilege to say at His coming, as you stand with His faithful, waiting children, “This is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: ... we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation” (Isaiah 25:9).—Letter 92, November 9, 1911, to a husband and wife. {TDG 322.6}
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