十一月二十四日 在业务交往上要诚实
Honesty in Business Practices, November 24
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord. Romans 12:11. {TDG 337.1}
上帝的仆人们因商业交易不得不或多或少与世人接触,但他们买与卖时应该认识到上帝的眼目在看着他们。不可用虚伪的天平或欺诈的砝码,因为这些事对主来说是可憎的。基督徒希望弟兄们认为他是怎样的人,就要在每一项交易中作怎样的人。他的行动方针要受基本原则指导。他既不设阴谋,就没有什么要隐瞒的,也没有什么要掩盖的。他可能会受到批评,可能会受到试验,但他不曲的纯正会发光如纯金。他是凡与他接触之人的福气,因为他的话是可信赖的。他是一个不会占邻舍便宜的人。他是众人的朋友和恩人,他的同胞信任他的建议。……{TDG 337.1}
The servants of God are obliged to be more or less connected with the worldly by business transactions, but they should buy and sell with a realization that the eye of God is upon them. No false balances or deceitful weights are to be used, for these are an abomination to the Lord. In every business transaction a Christian will be just what he wants his brethren to think he is. His course of action is guided by underlying principles. He does not scheme, therefore, he has nothing to conceal, nothing to gloss over. He may be criticized, he may be tested, but his unbending integrity will shine forth like pure gold. He is a blessing to all connected with him, for his word is trustworthy. He is a man who will not take an advantage of his neighbor. He is a friend and benefactor to all, and his fellow men put confidence in his counsel.... {TDG 337.2}
一个真诚实的人决不会利用人的软弱或无能来充满自己的腰包。他只接受与他所卖的东西相称的价值。如果所卖的东西有缺陷,他就坦诚地告诉自己的弟兄或邻舍,虽然这么做会不利于他自己的财利。在生活的一切细节上,都要保持最严格的诚实原则。这些原则并不是统管世界的原则,因为撒但——骗子,说谎的和压迫人的——乃是这世界的王,他的国民都随从他并且实行他的意图。但基督徒是在一位不同的主领导下服务的,他们所行的必须靠上帝而行,不考虑一切自私的利得。在一些人看来,在业务交易上偏离完全公平是小事一桩,但我们的救主却不这样看。祂论到这一点的话是清楚明白的:“人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心”(路16:10)。……{TDG 337.2}
A truly honest man will never take advantage of weakness or incompetency in order to fill his own purse. He accepts a fair equivalent for that which he sells. If there are defects in the articles sold, he frankly tells his brother or his neighbor, although by so doing he may work against his own pecuniary interests. In all the details of life the strictest principles of honesty are to be maintained. These are not the principles which govern our world, for Satan—deceiver, liar, and oppressor—is the master, and his subjects follow him and carry out his purposes. But Christians serve under a different Master, and their actions must be wrought in God, irrespective of all selfish gain. Deviation from perfect fairness in a business deal may appear as a small thing in the estimation of some, but our Saviour did not thus regard it. His words on this point are plain and explicit: “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10).... {TDG 337.3}
今日的基督教界欺诈行为到了可怕的程度。遵守上帝诫命的子民应该表明他们超越这一切的事。一个自称相信现代真理的人,绝不应该有不诚实的行为,损害他与同胞交易。(《信函》1878第3号,11月24日,致一位据传有可疑业务行为的文字布道士O弟兄){TDG 337.3}
In the Christian world today fraud is practiced to a fearful extent. God’s commandment-keeping people should show that they are above all these things. The dishonest practices which mar the dealing of man with his fellow man should never be practiced by one who professes to be a believer in present truth.—Letter 3, November 24, 1878, to Brother O, a colporteur given to questionable business practices. {TDG 337.4}
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