十一月二十八日 最大的恩赐──圣灵
The Holy Spirit—The Gift of Gifts, November 28
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:8. {TDG 341.1}
与基督的屈辱和受苦相称的是祂的高升。唯有先成为祭牲,祂才能成为救赎者和救主。基督的敬虔是多么奥秘!基督为拯救世界免于沦亡,接受律法的条件,使它为大为尊,然后急忙返回天上完成祂的工作,差遣圣灵降临在祂门徒身上,藉以成就祂的使命。祂就是这样向凡相信祂的人保证:虽然祂如今是在上帝面前,在那里有永远满足的喜乐,但祂却并没有忘记他们。{TDG 341.1}
In proportion to Christ’s humiliation and suffering is His exaltation. He could have become the Saviour, the Redeemer, only by first being the Sacrifice. What a mystery there is in the godliness of Christ. Having magnified the law and made it honorable by accepting its conditions in saving a world from ruin, Christ hastened to heaven to perfect His work, and to accomplish His mission by sending the Holy Spirit to His disciples. Thus He would assure His believing ones that He had not forgotten them, though now in the presence of God, where there is fullness of joy forevermore. {TDG 341.2}
圣灵要降在那些在世上爱基督的人身上。他们因此就有了资格,在他们元首的荣耀光辉中,领受完成自己使命所必需的各种恩赐。赐生命的主手中不但拿着死亡的钥匙,也掌握着全天庭丰盛的福惠。天上地下所有的权柄都赐给祂了,祂在天庭也取得了祂的地位,因此祂可以将福惠分给凡接待祂的人。{TDG 341.2}
The Holy Spirit was to descend on those in this world who loved Christ. By this they would be qualified, in and through the glorification of their Head, to receive every endowment necessary for the fulfilling of their mission. The Life-giver held in His hands, not only the keys of death, but a whole heaven of rich blessings. All power in heaven and earth was given to Him, and having taken His place in the heavenly courts, He could dispense these blessings to all who receive Him. {TDG 341.3}
基督曾对祂的门徒说:“我去是与你们有益的;我若不去,保惠师就不到你们这里来;我若去,就差祂来”(约16:7)。这是许多恩赐中上好的恩赐。所差来的,是世人所能领受的最宝贵的财富。教会受了圣灵能力的洗礼。门徒也预备好出去宣扬基督,先是在耶路撒冷,就是那位合法的君王曾经蒙羞受辱的地方,然后一直到天涯海角。……{TDG 341.3}
Christ has said to His disciples, “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you” (John 16:7). This was the gift of gifts. The Holy Spirit was sent as the most priceless treasure man could receive. The church was baptized with the Spirit’s power. The disciples were fitted to go forth and proclaim Christ, first in Jerusalem, where the shameful work of dishonoring the rightful King had been done, and then to the uttermost parts of the earth.... {TDG 341.4}
赐给凡奉上帝儿子的圣名来到祂面前之人的福惠,是多么丰富而慷慨啊!如果他们愿意遵守祂圣言中所规定的条件,祂就必向他们敞开天上的窗户,倾福与他们,甚至无处可容了。……上帝的子民如果愿意藉着遵守祂的律例而使自己成圣,祂就会在他们中间工作。祂会更新谦卑痛悔的心灵,使他们的品格既纯净又圣洁。(《文稿》1897年128号,11月28日, “唯一的真中保”) {TDG 341.4}
How full and free are the blessings to be bestowed on all who come to God in the name of His Son. If they will observe the conditions laid down in His Word, He will open to them the windows of heaven, and pour them down a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.... If God’s people will sanctify themselves by obedience to His precepts, the Lord will work in their midst. He will renew humble, contrite souls, making their characters pure and holy.—Manuscript 128, November 28, 1897, “The Only True Mediator.” {TDG 341.5}
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