十二月一日 害怕违背上帝
Fear to Disobey God, December 1
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12. {TDG 344.1}
这里不容许有粗心疏忽;不允许懒惰;不允许冷淡;我们每一个人都要恐惧战兢地作成自己得救的工夫。为什么呢?我们再来看看吧:“这样看来,我亲爱的,……就当恐惧战兢做成你们得救的工夫。”好了,这么一来,你就会说,难道我要一直恐惧战兢吗?在一种意义上是的,但在另一种意义上不是。{TDG 344.1}
There is no carelessness allowed here, there is no indolence, there is no indifference, but we are to work out each of us, our own salvation with fear and trembling. Why? Let us see: “Wherefore, my beloved, ... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). Well, then, you say, am I to go around fearing and trembling all the way? Yes, in one sense, but not in another sense. {TDG 344.2}
你将敬畏上帝的心摆在面前,就会战兢,惟恐自己会偏离上帝的忠告。这样就会有那种战兢。你就会一直恐惧战兢作成自己得救的工夫。就到此为止吗?不,我们来听听上帝的能力是怎么进来的吧:“因为你们立志行事,都是上帝在你们心里运行,为要成就祂的美意”(腓2:13)。这里既有人的工作,也有上帝的工作。双方通力合作。人若没有神能的帮助就无法完成这工作。{TDG 344.2}
You have the fear of God before you, and you will have a trembling lest you will depart from the counsels of God. There will be that trembling. You will be working out your own salvation all the time with fear and trembling. Does it rest here? No, let us hear how the divine power comes in: “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (verse 13). Here are man’s works, and here are God’s works. They both cooperate. Man cannot accomplish this work without the help of the divine power. {TDG 344.3}
上帝并不把人连同人自己本来的情绪和缺点,都带来放在上帝圣颜的明光中。不,人必须尽他自己的本份,而在人恐惧战兢作成自己得救的工夫时,上帝便在他心里运行,使他立志行事,为要成就祂的美意。由于这两方面联合的能力,人就必得胜,最后还要得着生命的冠冕。他既着眼于那有福的庇护所和那极重无比永远的荣耀,就惟恐自己会失去它,惟恐应许留下了他却得不到。他实在不忍失去它。他想要那有福的庇护所,并竭尽自己一切的力量要得到它。他用尽了自己所有的才能。他付出了属灵方面一切的勇气和努力,为要在这工作上作一个成功的胜利者,以便得到永生的宝贵恩赐。……TDG 344.3}
God does not take man with his own natural feelings and deficiencies and place him right in the light of the countenance of God. No, man must do his part, and while man works out his own salvation, with fear and trembling, it is God that worketh in him to will and to do of His own good pleasure. With these two combined powers, man will be victorious, and receive a crown of life at last. He stands in view of the haven of bliss and the eternal weight of glory before him, and he fears lest he will lose it, lest a promise being left, he shall come short of it. He cannot afford to lose it. He wants that haven of bliss, and strains every energy of his being to secure it. He taxes his abilities to the utmost. He puts to the stretch every spiritual nerve and muscle that he may be a successful overcomer in this work, and that he may obtain the precious boon of eternal life.... {TDG 344.4}
世人看到我们有一种强烈的愿望,某种看不到的目标,我们凭着信心看到是活生生的现实,这么一来,就引起了探讨的动机,结果他们认明实在有某些值得拥有的事物,因为他们看出这样的信仰在我们的生活和品格上,已经成就了奇妙的改变。(《文稿》1888年13号,12月1日在衣阿华州得梅因市的证道){TDG 344.4}
When the world sees that we have an intensity of desire, some object that is out of sight, which by faith is to us a living reality, then it puts an incentive to investigate, and they see that there is certainly something worth having, for they see that this faith has made a wonderful change in our life and character.—Manuscript 13, December 1, 1888, sermon, Des Moines, Iowa. {TDG 344.5}
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