二月四日 学习时的帮助
Help in Study, February 4
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15. {TDG 43.1}
要小心你怎样解释圣经。读经时要向上帝的话语敞开心门,它就会发出天上的亮光,使愚人通达。这里所说的愚人并不是智力低下的人,而是那些并没有努力超越自己的量度与才能,去独创而独立地寻求那构成真知识之知识的人。{TDG 43.1}
Be careful how you interpret Scripture. Read it with a heart opened to the entrance of God’s Word, and it will express heaven’s light, giving understanding unto the simple. This does not mean the weak-minded, but those who do not stretch themselves beyond their measure and ability in trying to be original and independent in reaching after knowledge above that which constitutes true knowledge. {TDG 43.2}
凡讲解上帝圣言的人,都在从事一项极其严肃神圣的工作;因为他们在研究时要领受亮光和正确的知识,好传授给那些无知的人。教育就是教授那原为亮光和真理的理念。每一个殷勤而耐心地查考圣经以便能教育他人的人,既正确地开始工作,并存诚实的心,放下自己的成见,无论那些成见是什么,并将他遗传的偏见放在研究的门口,就会获得真知识。然而很容易错解圣经,强调某些段落,给它们指定一个意思,在初研究时或许看似正确,但深入研究就会发现是错的。寻求真理的人若是愿意将经文与经文相对照,就会发现打开宝库的钥匙,使他对上帝的道有正确的理解。于是他就会看到他起先的印象经不起考查,继续相信那些印象就会将谬误与真理混在一起。{TDG 43.2}
All who handle the Word of God are engaged in a most solemn and sacred work; for in their research they are to receive light and a correct knowledge, that they may give to those who are ignorant. Education is the inculcation of ideas which are light and truth. Everyone who diligently and patiently searches the Scriptures that he may educate others, entering upon the work correctly and with an honest heart, laying aside his preconceived ideas, whatever they may have been, and his hereditary prejudices at the door of investigation, will gain true knowledge. But it is easy to put a false interpretation on Scripture, placing stress on passages, and assigning to them a meaning, which, at the first investigation, may appear true, but which by further search, will be seen to be false. If the seeker after truth will compare Scripture with Scripture, he will find the key that unlocks the treasure house and gives him a true understanding of the Word of God. Then he will see that his first impressions would not bear investigation, and that continuing to believe them would be mixing falsehood with truth. {TDG 43.3}
诗人大卫经历过各种心情。当他看到上帝的旨意和道路时,就兴高采烈。但当他看不到上帝的怜悯和不变之爱时,一切似乎都罩上了一层黑影。然而他透过黑暗,看见上帝的品性,他的信心就得到加强和巩固。……{TDG 43.3}
The Psalmist David in his experience had many changes of mind. At times, as he obtained views of God’s will and ways, he was highly exalted. Then as he caught sight of the reverse of God’s mercy and changeless love, everything seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of darkness. But through the darkness he obtained a view of the attributes of God, which gave him confidence and strengthened his faith.... {TDG 43.4}
当他痛哭祷告的时候,就更清楚地认识到上帝的品性。他受到天上生灵的教导,认定自己过度判断了上帝的公义和严厉。(《文稿》1896年4号,2月4日){TDG 43.4}
As he wept and prayed, he obtained a clearer view of the character and attributes of God, being educated by heavenly agencies, and he decided that his ideas of God’s justice and severity were exaggerated.—Manuscript 4, February 4, 1896,. {TDG 43.5}
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