二月五日 不可胜数的福惠
Blessings Without Number, February 5
Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14. {TDG 44.1}
我的姊妹啊,要刚强勇敢。过不多久,我们就要看见耶稣了。祂对祂的门徒说过:“你们心里不要忧愁。你们信上帝,也当信我。在我父的家里,有许多住处。若是没有,我就早已告诉你们了。我去原是为你们预备地方去。我若去为你们预备了地方,就必再来接你们到我那里去,我在哪里,叫你们也在哪里”(约14:1-3)。{TDG 44.1}
Be of good courage, my sister. A little longer, and we shall see Jesus. “Let not your heart be troubled,” He said to His disciples: “ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:1-3). {TDG 44.2}
要在主里面鼓舞你们的心。我对将来的光明前途感到欢欣,你们也可以这样。但愿我们要存心愉快,并因着主对世人的慈爱而赞美祂。不要往幽暗的方面看。要相信上帝。我们原是基督的产业,因此我们应当记得祂爱我们,也必作我们的帮助者和我们的上帝。{TDG 44.2}
Encourage your heart in the Lord. I rejoice in the bright prospects of the future, and so may you. Let us be cheerful, and praise the Lord for His loving-kindness to the children of men. Do not look on the dark side. Have faith in God. We are Christ’s property, and let us remember that He loves us, and will be our Helper and our God. {TDG 44.3}
昨天夜里,我醒了好长一段时间。我觉得难过焦急;因为我深知有些人在受着试探和考验,我很想知道有什么办法,能够帮助他们仰望耶稣,并使他们的心在祂的爱里得到安慰。我想:在我醒着躺在那里,为我自己,也更多为其他被试探受考验的人祷告的时候,要是能握住基督的手,并且听到祂的声音,那就好了!一点钟过后,我还是睡不着。我非常地难过,因为今天我有写作的工作想要做,我心想要是睡不着的话,那么我就毫无用处了。但是到了两点钟,我仍然起身穿好衣服,把炉子生好火,而且在早餐以前就写作了好些页的材料。早餐过后,我又写了不少,一点也不觉得瞌睡。{TDG 44.3}
Last night I was awake for a long time. I was troubled and anxious; for I knew that some were tempted and tried, and I was wondering how I could help them to look to Jesus and comfort their hearts in His love. I thought, If I could only take hold of Christ’s hand and hear His voice, as I lie awake, praying for myself, and much more for others who are tempted and tried! I could not sleep after one o’clock. I was so sorry, because I had writing that I wanted to do today, and I thought that I would be useless if I could not sleep. But at two o’clock I arose and dressed, made my fire, and before breakfast had written many pages. I have written many pages since breakfast, and have not felt sleepy at all. {TDG 44.4}
但愿你我我们为每样一恩宠心存感谢。你我让我们都要努力作开朗愉快的基督徒吧。我要把我为他们担忧,惟恐他们不能坚持到底的那些人,全都交托给上帝。那原是神圣的地实际存在的事物,就必在道德的黑暗中发光,因为有基督的荣光照在它上面。我们要不断地将赞美感谢归给祂,;因为我们是凭着信心得蒙祂的大能保守的。我们并不能保守自己。{TDG 44.4}
Let us be thankful for every favor. Let us try to be sunshiny Christians. The souls that I trouble about, fearing that they will not hold fast till the end, I will commit to God. That which is divinely real will shine amidst the moral darkness, because Christ’s light shines upon it. To Him we owe constant praise and thanksgiving; for we are kept by His power through faith. We cannot keep ourselves. {TDG 44.5}
要刚强勇敢。主疼爱你,同情你的每样的一软弱。只要你愿意单单倚靠信靠祂,祂一定会加添你的力量,并赐福与你。无限无穷的上帝所赐给凡爱祂儿子之人的福惠,若不和祂所赐给祂儿子的一样地多,那祂是决不会心满意足的。(《信函》1905年第57号,2月5日,致一位传道人的妻子布里德夫人){TDG 44.5}
Be of good courage. The Lord loves you, and pities your every weakness. He will certainly strengthen and bless you, if you will only trust Him. It would not satisfy the heart of the infinite God to give to those who love His Son a less blessing than He gives His Son.—Letter 57, February 5, 1905, to Mrs. A. J. Breed, a minister’s wife. {TDG 44.6}
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