十二月二十五日 上帝说不尽的恩赐
God’s Unspeakable Gift, December 25
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9:15. {TDG 368.1}
昨晚在(巴特尔克里克)会堂举行了圣诞夜前夕的庆祝会,进行的很不错──庄重、严肃、而且所讲所做的都表达了感恩的意思,因为生命之君耶稣到我们世上来成为婴儿,诞生在伯利恒,要作赎罪的祭牲。祂来要应验先知先见们的预言,就是祂所指示他们说的,要完成天上所商议的计划,并在这伟大的使命和工作上证实祂自己所说的话。为了这事,每一个生灵都对上帝负有最严肃的义务和感恩之情,因为世界的救赎主耶稣已经亲自立约保证,要为亚当的每一个儿女作成完全得救的功夫。如果他们不接受这上天的恩赐,那只有责怪他们自己了。这牺牲是足够而充分,完全符合上帝圣洁律法的公正和尊严。那清白无罪的竟为了有罪的受苦受难,这实在应当唤起充分而完全的感恩之情。{TDG 368.1}
Last night the Christmas [Eve] celebration was held in the [Battle Creek] Tabernacle, and it passed off well—modestly, solemnly, and with gratitude expressed in everything done and said, because Jesus the Prince of Life had come to our world a babe in Bethlehem to be an offering for sin. He came to fulfill the prediction of the prophets and seers, which He had instructed them to utter to fulfill the counsels of heaven, and in the great mission and work verify His own word. And for this, every soul is under the most solemn obligation and gratitude to God, that Jesus, the world’s Redeemer, has pledged Himself to accomplish the full salvation of every son and daughter of Adam. If they do not accept the heavenly gift, they have only themselves to blame. The sacrifice was ample, wholly consistent with the justice and honor of God’s holy law. The Innocent suffered for the guilty, and this should call forth gratitude full and complete. {TDG 368.2}
在(12月25日)十点半,我向那些在圣堂聚集的人演讲。主赐给了我所要讲的最恳切的话语。我竭力按照上帝的圣言讲述这事,说明为救灵而努力的工作,并不是单落在奉派作传道人的身上,上帝对于每一个人都已经派定了他当做的工。主的工作要由基督身子的活泼肢体来向前推进,而且在上帝伟大的神圣任命中,每一个人都要受教,在使生灵悔改的事上各尽一部分的责任。他已经投身在上帝的军队中了,不是为了贪图安逸,不是要追求自己的娱乐,乃是要作基督十字架的忠心兵士忍受苦难。每一个兵士必须克尽一己的职责,要警醒、要勇敢、要真诚。在我占用了大约五十分钟之后,有许多人作了极其美好的见证。{TDG 368.2}
At half past ten [December 25] I spoke to those assembled at the Tabernacle. The Lord gave me most earnest words to speak. I tried to present the matter in the light of God’s Word, that the work of labor for the salvation of souls does not rest alone upon the delegated minister, but that to every man God had given his work. The Lord’s work is to be carried forward by the living members of Christ’s body, and in the great divine appointment of God each one is to be educated to act a part in the conversion of souls. He has enlisted in the army of the Lord, not for ease, not to study his own amusement, but to endure hardships as a faithful soldier of the cross of Christ. Every private must act his part, be vigilant, be courageous, be true. After I had occupied about fifty minutes, many excellent testimonies were borne. {TDG 368.3}
我们回到家里,就召集我的侄孙佛瑞德?沃林夫妻两人和他的岳母来吃中饭,他们也带来了两个小孩子,一个三个月大的婴儿,和一个六岁大的男孩。这几位都是陌生的穷客人,他们也需要这小小的鼓励。(《文稿》1889年24号,12月25日,日记){TDG 368.3}
We returned home and called to our dinner, Fred Walling, my niece’s son, his wife, his wife’s mother, and they came with their two little ones, a babe of three months, and a boy of six years. These were strangers and poor, and needed this little encouragement.—Manuscript 24, December 25, 1889, diary. {TDG 368.4}
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