二月十一日 上帝善良的彰显
God’s Goodness Displayed, February 11
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. 1 Peter 2:9. {TDG 50.1}
火漆怎样接受图章所捺盖的印记,心灵也照样接受并存留上帝道德的形像。我们由于仰望祂的纯洁与公义,就得到饱足而且改变形像了。除非我们醒悟过来,具有坚固、稳定、而活泼的信心,我们的灵性就必成为呆滞迟钝的,我们的信仰也必衰弱了。……{TDG 50.1}
As the wax takes the counterpart of the seal, so the soul receives and retains the moral image of God. We become filled and transfigured by beholding His purity and righteousness. Our souls will become sluggish and our faith enfeebled unless we arouse and have a firm, steady, active faith.... {TDG 50.2}
上帝子民目前的大罪就是我们并不重视上帝所赐与我们种种福惠的价值。我们并没有全心全意地侍奉上帝。我们钟爱某一种偶像,仍在它的寺庙崇拜。上帝的真理原是高尚神圣高尚的,若实施在生活之中,交织于品格之内,就可以使心灵成为圣洁。上帝正力图用祂的真理、使我们成为与众不同的特选子民。这就是真理所有的感化力。可惜我们所表现的顺服与虔诚献身,与我们所承受的亮光和权利并不相称;对于那落在我们身上,要我们行事为人好像光明之子一般的义务,我们也没有履行。我们虽然身为基督徒,却并没有达成我们崇高的恩召。从上帝那里虽然有警告和责备赐下给我们,但在我们身上所发生的影响只是短暂一时的,因为我们并不认为自己的终身工作,就是要朝前往上,向着目标标竿直快跑,领取要得上帝在基督耶稣里从上面召我们来去得的奖赏。{TDG 50.2}
The great sin of God’s people at the present time is, we do not appreciate the value of the blessings God has bestowed upon us. We serve God with a divided heart. We cherish some idol and worship at its shrine. The truth of God is elevated and holy, sanctifying the soul, if brought into the life and interwoven with the character. God is seeking with His truth to make us a separate and peculiar people. This is the influence of the truth. Our obedience and devotion are not equal to our light and privileges, and the sacred obligations resting upon us to walk as children of the light are not fulfilled by us. As Christians we fail to come up to our high calling. Warnings and reproofs have been given us from God but only for a time have an influence upon us because we do not consider it as our lifework to press forward and upward to the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus. {TDG 50.3}
但愿上帝的子民都考虑到他们那种种超卓的优势,并从上帝圣言的明光中了解到:我们将来必定要按着那照耀在我们路途上的亮光受审判。上帝将一切的特权和机会赐给我们,目的就在使我们成为更良好的男女。上帝的子民务须根据坚定的原则行事为人,要将先求祂的国和祂的义作为他们首要的原则,然后就要光上加光、愈久愈明地向前进行。……{TDG 50.3}
Oh, that God’s people would consider their superior advantages, and understand from the light of God’s Word that we must be judged according to the light that shine upon our pathway. All the privileges and opportunities given us of God are for the purpose of making us better men and women. The people of God must move from a settled principle, making it their first principle to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then go on from light to still greater light.... {TDG 50.4}
每一个实实在在相信上帝圣言的人,一定会有同样的行为表现。上帝的伟大善良就彰显在祂的旨意中。因此凡是祂的旨意或圣言所规定他们要做的,他们若忽略了没有去做,那么他们就不能算是基督徒了。真理足能拯救我们的灵命,因为有上帝、藉着祂自己的圣灵、在其中作不断运行的原动力,而且神圣的力量也造就真理作为一种使人成圣的能力。(《信函》1887年第8号,2月11日,致洛克伍德弟兄夫妇){TDG 50.4}
Every soul who really believes the Word of God will show the same by his works. The great goodness of God is displayed in His will. Whatever His will or Word requires them to do they cannot be Christians if they neglect to do this. The truth is able to save our souls, for God by His own Spirit is a continual agent in it, and the divine agency makes the truth a sanctifying power.—Letter 8, February 11, 1887, to Brother and Sister Lockwood. {TDG 50.5}
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