二月十二日 使者
Ambassadors, February 12
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20. {TDG 51.1}
在恢复人类上帝形像的计划中,安排了圣灵在人心中的运行,正像有基督亲自同在一样,在人品格上发挥塑造的功能。人们接受了真理,也就领受了基督的恩典,将他们经过圣化的才能,献给基督所曾经从事的工作,成为上帝的同工了。由于人成为上帝的代表,神圣的真理才得以深入他们的悟性。然而我要问问教会,你们回应这个目的了吗?你们实现上帝散布神圣真理亮光、广布真理瑰宝的计划了吗? {TDG 51.1}
In the plan of restoring in men the divine image, it was provided that the Holy Spirit should move upon human minds, and be as the presence of Christ, a molding agency upon human character. Receiving the truth, men become also recipients of the grace of Christ, and devote their sanctified human ability to the work in which Christ was engaged—men become laborers together with God. It is to make men agents for God, that divine truth is brought home to their understanding. But I would inquire of the church, Have you answered this purpose? Have you fulfilled the design of God in diffusing the light of divine truth, in scattering abroad the precious jewels of truth? {TDG 51.2}
上帝的天使注视基督的教会,看到自称跟从基督的人行动多么缓慢地把真理的亮光传给卧在道德黑暗中的世界,他们会怎么想呢?天上的生灵知道十字架是吸引力的大中心。他们知道,堕落的人类藉着十字架才能得以赎罪,并与上帝联合。{TDG 51.2}
What must be the thoughts of the angels of God as they look upon the church of Christ, and see how slow is the action of those who profess to be the followers of Christ, to impart the light of truth to the world which lies in moral darkness? Heavenly intelligences know that the cross is the great center of attraction. They know that it is through the cross that fallen man is to receive the atonement, and to be brought into unity with God. {TDG 51.3}
天上的议会正看着你们自称接受了基督为个人救主的人,要看你们把上帝的救恩表明给那些坐在黑暗里的人。他们正在观看,要看你们使人知道圣灵工作时期的意义;人们被罪败坏污损的心如何可以变得不再迷恋撒但的谎言邪说,转而归向基督,以祂为他们惟一的指望,他们个人的救主。{TDG 51.3}
The councils of heaven are looking upon you who claim to have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, to see you make known the salvation of God to those who sit in darkness. They are looking to see you making known the significance of the dispensation of the Holy Spirit; how that through the working of this divine agency the minds of men, corrupted and defiled by sin, may become disenchanted with the lies and presentations of Satan, and turn to Christ as their only hope, their personal Saviour. {TDG 51.4}
基督说:“不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们,并且分派你们去结果子,叫你们的果子常存”(约15:16)。身为基督的使者,我愿恳求所有读者留意今日的呼召:“你们今日若听祂的话,就不可硬着心”(来4:7)。要立刻发问:我对基督有何重要?基督对我有何意义?我的工作是什么?我所结的果子性质怎样?(《评论与通讯》1895年2月12日){TDG 51.4}
Christ says: “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain” (John 15:16). As Christ’s ambassador, I would entreat of all who read these lines to take heed while it is called today. “If ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15; 4:7). Without waiting a moment, inquire, What am I to Christ? and what is Christ to me? What is my work? What is the character of the fruit I bear?—The Review and Herald, February 12, 1895. {TDG 51.5}
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