二月二十七日 正确的思想
Right Thinking, February 27
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13. {TDG 66.1}
思想必须受训练。要束上心中的腰,以便心智用在正确的方向,遵照良好制定的计划;然后才会步步前进,没有光阴或力量浪费在随从模糊的想法和随便的计划上。我们必须考虑人生的目的和目标,始终着眼于有价值的宗旨。每一天都应训练思想,使之持守要点如同磁针指向磁极。每一个人都应该有自己的目标和宗旨,然后要使每一个思想和行为都具有完成所定宗旨的性质。必须控制思想。必须有坚定的决心完成你要开始做的事。……{TDG 66.1}
The thoughts must be trained. Gird up the loins of the mind that it shall work in the right direction, and after the order of well-formed plans; then every step is one in advance, and no effort or time is lost in following vague ideas and random plans. We must consider the aim and object of life, and ever keep worthy purposes in view. Every day the thoughts should be trained and kept to the point as the compass to the pole. Everyone should have his aims and purposes, and then make every thought and action of that character to accomplish that which he purposes. The thoughts must be controlled. There must be a fixedness of purpose to carry out that which you shall undertake.... {TDG 66.2}
只有你自己能控制你的思想。在努力达到最高标准时,成功或失败大大有赖于思想受训练的性质和方式。如果思想照着上帝所指示的每天受到约束,就会专注在那些帮助我们更加虔诚献身的题旨上。思想若是正确,言语就会正确;行为就会具有那种给人带来快乐、安慰和安息的性质。……{TDG 66.2}
No one but yourself can control your thoughts. In the struggle to reach the highest standard, success or failure will depend much upon the character, and the manner in which the thoughts are disciplined. If the thoughts are well girded, as God directs they shall be each day, they will be upon those subjects that will help us to greater devotion. If the thoughts are right, then as a result the words will be right; the actions will be of that character to bring gladness and comfort and rest to souls.... {TDG 66.3}
不为他人着想的人,做事必是不聪明的。他们朝三暮四,蜻蜓点水,用心不专,结果一事无成。他们就象葡萄树一样,未加修整的卷须,向四面八方伸展,触及任何物体,就紧紧抓住。但如果要这棵葡萄树有用,必须让卷须摆脱所攀的物体,经过修剪和培植,再缠绕在使它们有优美形态的支架上。……{TDG 66.3}
Those who move without thoughtful consideration, move unwisely. They make fitful efforts, strike out here and there, catch at this and that, but it amounts to nothing. They resemble the vine; its tendrils untrained and left to straggle out in every direction will fasten upon any rubbish within their reach; but before the vine can be of any use these tendrils must be broken off from the things they have grasped, and trained to entwine about those things which will make them graceful and well formed.... {TDG 66.4}
经常不断研究的人一定可以发现新的亮光、新的见解、新的真理珍宝,而且热切地紧紧把握着。他要思考;心智的定律规定他要思考。人的智力由于尽量运用,就得以扩展、充沛,而深刻敏锐。心智务须运用,不然,就必减缩退化。除非有新颖的事件问题供它思想,它就必因饥饿而致枯竭。它若不辛苦尽力地思想,就一定会丧失它思想的能力。(《信函》1886年33号,2月27日,致一位寄在欧洲工作的传道士){TDG 66.4}
By the ever-learning student new light, new ideas, new gems of truth will be found, and eagerly grasped. He thinks; the laws of the mind require him to think. The human intellect gains expansion and vigor and acuteness by being taxed. The mind must work or it will dwindle. It will starve unless it has fresh subjects to think upon. Unless it is made to think hard it will surely lose its power of thinking.—Letter 33, February 27, 1886, to a minister working in Europe. {TDG 66.5}
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