二月二十六日 成圣的秘诀
Secret of Sanctification, February 26
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6. {TDG 65.1}
基督委托我们要藉着那从耶稣基督圣容上所反射出来上帝的光,发光照耀世界。试问:我们中间有谁是在这样的做着呢?我们的人生是不是都焕发着这奇妙的光辉呢?上帝期望我们每一个人都向世人反映祂的形像。我们已经得蒙引导,步步向前进行。我们都已经凭着信心行事为人,同时我们也需要作耶稣基督的精兵,锻炼自己忍受苦难。{TDG 65.1}
Christ commissions us to shine as lights in the world, by reflecting the light of God as seen in the face of Jesus Christ. Who among us is doing this? Are our lives all aglow with this wondrous light? God expects every one of us to reflect His image to the world. We have been led on step by step to make advancement. We have walked and worked by faith, and we need to discipline ourselves to endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. {TDG 65.2}
我们要有那不容易沮丧的良好、刚强的心志,就是那受过磨练可与所遭遇的困难博斗,并与种种难题角力致胜的心志。我们必须在我们四周的城市乡镇高举真理的旗帜。我们必须认明什么是当做的,并且本着敬畏上帝的心去完成它。只要我们凭着信心已经竭尽自己力所能及的,主就必为我们的缘故着手承担协助。那鼓励我们开始这工作的原是上帝。我们已经逐步地向前进行、祈祷、相信,而工作着。{TDG 65.2}
We want good, strong minds that are not easily discouraged, minds that are educated to grapple with the difficulties we shall meet, and wrestle with and conquer hard problems. We must lift the standard of truth in the towns and cities around us. We must see what is to be done and do it in the love and fear of God. When we have gone just as far as we can by faith, then the Lord will undertake in our behalf.
上帝是我们信心的创始者,我们各人既己克尽自己的分,祂就会使工作美好完整,在工作的完成上荣耀祂自己的圣名。主鼓励祂的献身工作人员并不根据他们自己的看法、而是依照主的看法来从事工作。{TDG 65.3}
It is God who has inspired us to commence this work. We have gone forward step by step, praying, believing, working. God is the author of our faith, and when we each act our individual part, He perfects the work, glorifying His own name in the finishing of it. The Lord inspires His consecrated workmen to work not from what they see but from what the Lord sees. {TDG 65.3}
我们需要用“望”──就是“信”的双生姊妹,来加强自己的心灵。上帝的工作人员生活为人,必须完全顺服上帝的旨意。人有与上帝旨意相反而从事工作的危险,因为他想依照自己的方法去做;他自以为这正是完成上帝旨意的最好方法。然而我们却不可顺从自己的意愿和主张。那在我们里面、利用我们、并藉着我们从事工作的,必须是上帝。我们要像泥团在窑匠的手中一样,放在上帝的手中,由祂来按照那神圣的模样塑造我们。{TDG 65.4}
We need to strengthen our souls with hope, the twin sister of faith. God’s workers must live in perfect submission to the will of God. There is danger of working at cross purposes with God, for man wants to work his way, which he supposes is the very best way in which to bring about the purposes of God. But we cannot have our own way and will. God must work in us and by us and through us. We are to be in the hands of God as clay in the hands of the potter, for Him to mold after the divine similitude. {TDG 65.4}
我们的心必须完全成圣献与上帝。但愿我们不要企图保持自己的意愿和主张。工帝已经将祂的真理赐给我们,这真理可以使整个的人成为圣洁、文雅,而高贵的。论到你们,祂说:“上帝的旨意是要你们成为圣洁”(帖前4:3)。“上帝的神能已将一切关乎生命和虔敬的事赐给我们,皆因我们认识那用自己荣耀和美德召我们的主”(彼后1:3)。(《文稿》1899年70号,2月26日, “与上帝同工的人”) {TDG 65.5}
Our hearts need to be wholly sanctified to God. Let us not seek to retain our own way and will. God has given us His truth, that it may sanctify, refine, and ennoble the whole man. “This is the will of God” concerning you, He said, “even your sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). “His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3).—Manuscript 70, February 26, 1899, “Laborers Together With God” {TDG 65.5}
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