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Thou God Seest Me, January 5
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:13. {TDG 13.1}
惟有当工人们带着一种持久的有上帝同在的感觉之时,真理才能得胜。他们应当不断地认识到,不论是在家庭生活中,或置身在人群中,每一言每一行都有一位忠实的见证者在场。所设计的每一种计划,所作的每一项努力,都要接受基督的指导。在每一次会议中,所有参加人员的言行,都应该好像幔子已经掀开,看见自己是在天上全宇宙面前行事一般。因为这是事实;全天庭都正在观看着这些工人们。在计划作积极的战斗时,不要使自我显得突出超卓,务要将它隐藏,完全隐藏在基督里。……{TDG 13.1}
The triumph of the truth is possible only when the workers carry with them an abiding consciousness of the presence of God. They should ever realize that there is a faithful witness to every word, every transaction, in the home life or among the people. In every plan devised, in every effort made, Christ is to direct. In every council the members should speak and act as if the curtain were withdrawn, and they saw themselves transacting business in the presence of the heavenly universe. For this is the fact in the case; all heaven is looking upon the workers. In planning for aggressive warfare, let not self be made prominent; it must be hidden, wholly hidden, in Christ.... {TDG 13.2}
一切能被摇动的都要被摇动,只有那些不能被摇动才得存留。{TDG 13.2}
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and those things that cannot be shaken will remain. {TDG 13.3}
主要求我们有专一的情感。人若不是全心全意,在考验试炼和磨难的日子,就必失败。正当仇敌倾其全力列阵跟他作对,战争似乎越发剧烈,正需要竭尽一切的才智和能力,也需要明智将领的全盘战术,来击退仇敌的时候,那些并不热心的人就必掉转枪口来对抗自己的弟兄;他们也必使那原应加强以便作战的手变得软弱。上帝正在试验凡拥有真理知识的人,要看看他们在被执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔剧烈压迫时,是不是靠得住能为主作战。我们已面临危险的时期了,而我们唯一的安全保障,就在乎每日享有上帝使人悔改的能力────将自己完全归顺祂,遵行祂的旨意,并行走在祂圣颜的光中。(参彼前2:9){TDG 13.3}
The Lord requires our undivided affections. If men are not wholehearted, they will fail in the day of test and proving and trial. When the enemy shall put his forces in array against him, and the battle seems to go hard, at the very time when all the strength of intellect and capability, and all the tact of wise generalship, is needed to repulse the enemy, those who are half-hearted will turn their weapons against their own soldiers; they weaken the hands that should be strong for warfare. God is testing all who have a knowledge of the truth to see if they can be depended on to fight the battles of the Lord when hard pressed by principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in high places. Perilous times are before us, and our only safety is in having the converting power of God every day—yielding ourselves fully to Him to do His will, and walk in the light of His countenance (see 1 Peter 2:9). {TDG 13.4}
我们现在正到达应许之地的边境了,但愿没有人再犯那班不忠实的探子所犯的罪。他们虽然承认自己上去窥探的地是肥美之地,但他们却报告说那里的居民非常强壮,有巨人住在那里,相比之下,在那地的居民看来,他们就好像是蚱蜢一样,他们看自己也是如此。所有的困难都被扩大,成了不能克服的障碍。……这样他们就使全会众都感染了他们不信的影响了。(《文稿》1892年6号,1月5日, “在基督的战线上工作”) {TDG 13.4}
Now when we are just on the borders of the promised land, let none repeat the sin of the unfaithful spies. They acknowledged that the land they went up to see was a good land, but they declared that the inhabitants were strong, the giants were there, and that they themselves were in comparison as grasshoppers in the sight of the people and in their own sight. All the difficulties were magnified into insurmountable obstacles.... Thus they leavened the whole congregation with their unbelief.—Manuscript 6, January 5, 1892, “Work in Christ’s Lines.” {TDG 13.5}
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