三月十二日 个人实际的敬虔
Personal, Practical Piety, March 12
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18. {TDG 80.1}
但愿你们心中的眼睛能十分地的明亮,以致影响你们的心,这样,心灵的殿就必充满着对那从未得听信息而行将沉沦之生灵的神圣恩慈怜悯与怜悯同情,你们也就必醒悟过来,去为他们作实际的努力了,。我们的眼睛既然这样的开启,得以看出我们四周贫乏地区的一切需要,那就必导使我们约束自己想象中的需要了。我们布道方面的工作,必须加以远大的扩展。克己与自我牺牲务须以空前未有的情形实际表现出来。{TDG 80.1}
Let the eye of your understanding be so enlightened that it will affect your hearts, and that the soul temple will be so full of divine mercy and compassion for perishing souls who have never heard the message that you will be aroused to put forth practical efforts in their behalf. Having our eyes thus opened to the wants of the destitute fields around us, we shall be led to bind about our own imaginary wants. Our work in missionary lines must be far more extensive. Self-denial and self-sacrifice must be practiced as they have not yet been. {TDG 80.2}
我们只有积极供应上帝圣工的需要,才会使自己的心灵得与那一切能力的“根源”“来源”联络。但是不要有人存着这样的想法,以为那些已经接受真理的人也必忙于授予过于接受。你们属灵的支出,并不需要超过属灵的收入。这两方面乃是彼此互有必要的。忽略一方面,另一方面也必被忽略。每一个时代中那班最关心最活跃的上帝的仆人,就是那班具有最活泼的实际敬虔的人。他们灵性方面的需要,都是从那永不缺乏的能力来源得到供应的,好使他们可以分给别人。一旦我们专以上帝的荣耀为念,我们就必培养个人的敬虔了。{TDG 80.2}
It is in working actively to supply the necessities of the cause of God that we shall bring our souls in touch with the Source of all power. But let no one entertain the idea that those who have embraced the truth will be engaged in imparting more than in receiving. Your spiritual expenditures need not exceed your spiritual income. The one is essential to the other. Neglect the one, and the other will be neglected. The most interested active servants of God in every age have been those who have had most living, practical piety. Their spiritual wants were supplied from the never failing source of power, that they might impart to others. When we have an eye single to the glory of God, we shall cultivate personal piety. {TDG 80.3}
我们的宗教活动在广度方面有所增进时,在深度方面就会有亏损的危险。我们的工作人员也有倚赖人力、倚赖设施、和种种工作上的重大准备,以致丧失坚信上帝的危险,外表上固然在作着各种兴盛的表现,但内心上的工作却反而被忽略了。慈善事业,不论是多么地扩大,决不能取代个人的敬虔。到处都有危险,因此我们需要不断地倚靠上帝,这样祂的圣灵就可能使我们的心得以纯洁、无私,而敏于听从那从上面来的命令。……{TDG 80.3}
There is danger of our religious activity losing in depth as it gains in surface. There is danger of our workers depending upon human agents, upon facilities, and great preparations for work, and losing their firm faith in God, in making every outward show of prosperity, while the work in the heart is neglected. Philanthropy, however widespread, cannot take the place of personal piety. Danger is on every hand, and we need to be constantly depending upon God, that His Holy Spirit may make our hearts pure, unselfish, and quick to hear the orders from above.... {TDG 80.4}
在上帝的圣工上,并没有什么是无关重要的。那决定每人赏赐的,与其说是完成工作的量度,毋宁说是从事工作的忠诚。在上帝看来,那只领了一千元钱的人所有的工作,是跟那领了五千元钱的人所有的工作,同样地有价值。(《文稿》1899年25号,3月12日, “在上帝的圣工中忠心”) {TDG 80.4}
There is nothing insignificant in the work of God, and the faithfulness with which the work is done rather than the amount decides the reward of each. The work of the one who has but one talent is as valuable in the sight of God as the one who has five talents.—Manuscript 25, March 12, 1899, “Faithfulness in the Work of God.” {TDG 80.5}
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