三月二十八日 祂时常的同在
His Abiding Presence, March 28
Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11. {TDG 96.1}
这个世界是我们的学校──一所教育和训练的学校。我们被安置在这里,上要养成基督化的品格,学会那度高尚人生的习惯和语言。敌对善良的种种势力充斥各方各处。罪恶的发展既是那样的满盈,那样的深远,那样的为上帝所憎恶,以致不久祂就必凭祂的威严兴起,使大地受到可怕的震动。仇敌的计谋是那么的狡猾,他所造成的纠纷是那么的繁杂,以致那些信心薄弱的人无法辨明他的欺骗。他们都陷入他藉着人所制造的网罗里,假若可行,连选民也要迷惑了。只有那班与上帝有密切联络的人,才能认明仇敌的种种虚谎和阴谋。……{TDG 96.1}
This world is our school—a school of discipline and training. We are placed here to form characters like the character of Christ, and to acquire the habits and the language of the higher life. Influences opposed to good, abound on every side. The developments of sin are becoming so full, so deep, so abhorrent to God, that soon He will arise in majesty to shake terribly the earth. So artful are the plans of the enemy, so specious the complications that he brings about, that those who are weak in the faith cannot discern his deceptions. They fall into the snares prepared by Satan, who works through human instrumentalities to deceive if possible the very elect. Only those who are closely connected with God will be able to discern the falsehoods, the intrigues, of the enemy.... {TDG 96.2}
想想等待着得胜之人的荣耀吧!他们必看见主的圣面。在祂面前有满足的喜乐,在祂右手中有永远的福乐。{TDG 96.2}
Think of the glory awaiting those who overcome! They will see the face of Him in whose presence there is fulness of joy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore. {TDG 96.3}
但愿我们让上帝来管理我们的思想。但愿我们不说任何的话或做任何的事,使一位同胞转离正路。{TDG 96.3}
Let us allow God to control our minds. Let us not say or do anything that will turn a fellow being from the right way. {TDG 96.4}
我一想到那表示自己曾经尝过与复活升天的救主交往之厚福的人竟是那么地少,就觉得非常忧伤。世俗的人在争取无上的权势。跟从上帝的人却要始终仰望基督,扪心自问:这是主的道路吗?一种要度基督化人生的圣洁愿望,应充满在我们的心中。上帝丰富完美的本性,都有形有体地存在祂身上。因为一切的智慧和知识,都蕴藏在祂的里面。{TDG 96.4}
I feel very sad as I think of how few there are who show that they have tasted the deep blessedness of communion with a risen, ascended Saviour. Men of the world are striving for the supremacy. God’s followers are to keep Christ ever in view, inquiring, Is this the way of the Lord? A holy desire to live the life of Christ is to fill our hearts. In Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. {TDG 96.5}
惟愿我们的信徒都能体会到:他们如果时刻仰望耶稣,所要得到的该是怎样的权利啊! “我们众人既然敞着脸得以看见主的荣光,好像从镜子里反照,就变成主的形状,荣上加荣,如同从主的灵变成的”(林3:18)。祂是我们的阿拉法,也是我们的俄梅戛。我们紧靠在祂的身边,保持与祂交往,就必变得像祂。藉着基督圣灵的变化之能,我们的思想和生活就必改变。祂的圣言要铭刻在我们的心版上,我们也要作祂的证人,在日常的生活中表显着祂。(《信函》1903年47号,3月28日,致在同胞中工作的犹太传道士F.C.吉尔伯特){TDG 96.5}
O that our people could realize what advantages would be theirs if they would look constantly to Jesus! “We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18). He is our Alpha and our Omega. Pressing close to His side and holding communion with Him, we become like Him. Through the transforming power of the Spirit of Christ, we are changed in heart and life. His words are engraven on the tablets of the soul, and we are His witnesses, representing Him in the daily life.—Letter 47, March 28, 1903, to F. C. Gilbert, a Jewish minister working for his own people. {TDG 96.6}
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