三月二十九日 有受必施
Giving What You’ve Got, March 29
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Proverbs 11:25. {TDG 97.1}
慷慨是圣灵的指示之一,什么时候自称是上帝子民的人扣留了主的十分之一和捐款,他们就要遭遇到属灵的损失。主并不报赏吝啬的施舍。祂吩咐祂的子民要拿他们的财物和土产初熟的果子来荣耀祂。{TDG 97.1}
Liberality is one of the directions of the Holy Spirit, and when the professed people of God withhold from the Lord His own in tithes and offerings, they meet with spiritual loss. The Lord does not reward a stinted liberality. He calls upon the people to honor Him with their substance, and with the firstfruits of all their increase. {TDG 97.2}
要为每种情形都定下规律是不可能的;因为在多数事例中,这种办法会使捐献的人作难。有些人所有的处境,原来也是上帝所安排的,必须加以考虑。主期望人所作的施舍,是本着他已经有的,并不是本着他所没有的。就某些人来说,收入的十分之一并不能正确地表示他们所应奉献与主的比例,可是就另外一些人来说,却是公平的奉还。{TDG 97.2}
It is not possible to lay down rules for every case; for in many instances such a course would distress the giver. The circumstances in which some are placed, and which are of God’s appointment, are to be considered. The Lord expects a man to impart of what he has and not of what he has not. With some a tenth of the income would not properly represent the proportion they should give to the Lord, while to others it is a fair return. {TDG 97.3}
不知道有多少人因为扣留那原属于上帝的财物,以致失去了丰盛的福惠,也变成了属灵的侏儒。上帝和世人的大敌经常地在活动着,要将那原属于上帝的财宝,转供取悦并将尊贵荣耀归与属肉体的工具之用。有人这样说:我家里的人需要这样,需要那样,而且为了一再方便起见,家里也需要增添家具,衣服,和考究可口的食物。他们忘记了限制自己的欲望,其实他们如果这样做,就必为自己也为家里人带来福惠了。{TDG 97.3}
How many are losing rich blessings and becoming spiritually dwarfed because they withhold from God His own. The enemy of God and man is constantly at work to divert the treasures which belong to God and to please and honor and glorify the human agent. My family needs call for this and for that, men say, and convenience after convenience is added to the house in furniture, in clothing, in dainties for the table. They fail to limit their desires, when by so doing they would bring blessing to themselves and to their families. {TDG 97.4}
上帝使我们成为祂的救济品分发员,作祂推进祂在地上国度的伟大工作的合伙人。我们可能会采取那不忠心的管家所有的方法,并且因此丧失那赐于世人的最宝贵的特权。几千年来,上帝曾经藉着人从事工作,但是祂可能依照祂的旨意,开除自私自利,贪爱钱财,和贪心的人。即使我们在工作上无分,祂也能照样进行祂的工作。可是,我们当中有谁会愿意主这样行呢?……{TDG 97.4}
God has made us His almoners, copartners with Him in the great work of advancing His kingdom on the earth. We may pursue the course taken by the unfaithful steward, and by so doing lose the most precious privileges ever granted to men. For thousands of years God has worked through human agencies, but at His will He can drop out the selfish, the money lover, the covetous. He can carry on His work though we act no part in it. But who among us would be pleased to have the Lord do this? ... {TDG 97.5}
主洞悉人的每一思想,智力的每一激动。我们如果没有白白地舍去的精神,那就是在嘲弄祂了。{TDG 97.5}
The Lord reads every thought of the heart, every impulse of the mind. If we have not the spirit to give freely, we mock Him. {TDG 97.6}
我们什么时候向世界,向天使,并向世人表明我们的头等要事是上帝圣工的兴旺发达,上帝就必赐福给我们了。(《文稿》1899年47号,3月29日, “上帝喜爱乐意施舍的人” ){TDG 97.6}
When we show to the world, to angels, and to men that the prosperity of the cause of God is our first consideration, God will bless us.—Manuscript 47, March 29, 1899, “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver.” {TDG 97.7}
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