四月一日 满足上帝的要求
Meeting the Requirements, April 1
Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer every one. Colossians 4:5, 6, R.S.V. {TDG 100.1}
不要把所忧虑的事过于扩大,以致让那许多实在并无必要的忧虑占去了时间。这一问题的严重性是怎样强烈地压在我的心思上,我不能表述出来。时间继续地消逝,在有人向我提到多处教会并没有准备为主作工,反倒处在一种疏忽的漠不关心的状态中时,我便感到惊慌,因此自问:“我能说什么,我能做什么,把这些事的情况改变过来呢?”我只能说:“人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什麽益处呢?人还能拿什么换生命呢”(可8:36,37)?{TDG 100.1}
Let not cares be so magnified that the time shall be occupied in many cares that are not positively essential. The seriousness of this question presses upon my mind with an intensity that I cannot express. Time is passing, and when I am presented with the many churches that are not prepared to work for the Master, but are in a careless, unconcerned state, I am alarmed, and inquire, What can I say, what can I do, to change this order of things? I can say, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36, 37). {TDG 100.2}
我想在我们中间并没有人感悟到:我们务必要作与上帝同工的人。许多人不明白真正悔改的意义,和它牵涉些什么。现在我要向你们和你们家里的人说明,好使你们醒悟过来,感觉到有严肃的责任,要设法唤醒他们,觉悟到需要最殷勤地警醒,并要寻找拯救那在基督以外而行将沦亡的生灵。每天都要警戒一些还不知道万物的结局近了的人。{TDG 100.2}
I think none of us are in a state to realize we must be laborers together with God. Many do not understand what true conversion means, what it involves. And now I address you and your family, that you may be aroused and impressed with the solemn duty to seek to arouse them to a sense of the need of most diligent watching and seeking to save perishing souls out of Christ. Every day warn someone who knows not that the end of all things is at hand. {TDG 100.3}
上帝圣洁的命令一点一划都不会改变,来迎合世人没有准备的情形。祂的圣言永远不会改变或被废去。世人都在自己的罪孽中睡着了。天地要废去,但祂的话却永不至废去。我们大家都必须接受上帝圣言的指导。那摆在我们前面的是怎样的工作,自命为基督徒的人竟没有感觉到! “你们若不回转,变成小孩子的样式,断不得进天国”(太18:3)。……{TDG 100.3}
Not one jot or tittle of God’s holy requirements will ever be changed to meet man in his unready condition. His holy Word will never change or be done away. The world is asleep in their sins. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His Word can never pass away. All of us must be guided by the Word of God. What a work is before us, and professed Christians realize it not! “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).... {TDG 100.4}
那感悟到今生小事所有影响的人,是多么地少啊。凡是能够经得起考验──就是上帝的试验──的人,就必得蒙基督的承认。上帝圣言中的真理──就是救人的真理,如果实践出来了,就必使我们合格与得蒙救赎的人作伴。愿上帝帮助我们重视道德方面的优美。那高雅的心智品质,既加以圣化,就较比俄裴的精金更有价值。在上帝面前养成真正道德的身份,乃是一种终身的工作。我亲爱的弟兄姊妹,你们要在言行方面教导这项真理。(《信函》1903年37a号,致澳大利亚悉尼疗养院伯登弟兄夫妇) {TDG 100.4}
How few realize the influence of the little things in this life. Those who can bear the test, the proving of God, will be acknowledged of Christ. The truth, saving truth, of God’s Word, lived, will fit us for the company of the redeemed. God help us to appreciate moral excellence. Refined mental qualities, sanctified, are of more value than the gold of Ophir. The formation of a true moral standing with God is the work of a lifetime. Teach this, my dear brother and sister, by precept and example.—Letter 37a, April 1, 1903, to Brother and Sister Burden, at the Sydney, Australia, Sanitarium. {TDG 100.5}
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