四月二日 上天的评价
Heavenly Evaluation, April 2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1. {TDG 101.1}
衡量品格的工作正在进行。上帝的天使正在评估你的道德价值,鉴定你的需要,并将你的案情上呈上帝。我们应当怎样诚恳地努力,以求适合上帝圣灵的意思!而且,我们应当怎样地存心感谢,因为已经有救助的力量加在那位大能拯救者的身上了啊!……{TDG 101.1}
There is a measurement of character constantly going on. The angels of God are estimating your moral value, and ascertaining your needs, and bearing your case to God. How earnestly we should strive to meet the mind of the Spirit of God! And O, how thankful we should be that help has been laid upon One who is mighty to save! ... {TDG 101.2}
你显出不耐烦,说出急躁的话吗?你满心自负自豪吗?你有邪荡的思想和行为吗?你所作的事是直接与上帝的旨意相反吗?你由于保留自己的才干和心意,以致抢夺了你天上的父吗?为什么不停止这样的行为呢?为什么不完全归顺上帝呢?祂必把祂的恩光和平安分赐给你,你也必尝试到祂救恩的滋味。再不要把残废有毛病的祭物献与上帝了。你的种种能力,心智方面的和身体方面的,都因为你自己犯罪的行为,以致弱化了;可是这样的祭物,也不是上天所悦纳的。为什么不来把你的毛病弱点都医好了,而献上活的祭物,是圣洁没有瑕疵的呢?你有没有在十分之一和乐意捐方面,抢夺了上帝的供物呢?这里有给你的教训。主说:“你们要将当纳的十分之一全然送入仓库,使我家有粮,以此试试我,是否为你们敞开天上的窗户,倾福与你们,甚至无处可容”(玛3:10)。为什么不听信主的话呢?须知享受基督的快乐,乃是我们的特权呢。{TDG 101.2}
Do you manifest impatience, and utter hasty words? Are you full of self-esteem? Have you lustful thoughts and practices? Are you doing things directly contrary to the purposes of God? Are you robbing your heavenly Father by withholding your talents and your heart from Him? Why not cease doing this way? Why not make a full surrender to God? He will impart to you His light and peace, and you will taste of His salvation. Do not any longer bring to God a lame, diseased offering. Your powers, mental and physical, are enfeebled by your own course of transgression; but such an offering is not acceptable to heaven. Why not come and be healed of your infirmities, and offer a living sacrifice, holy, and without blemish? Have you been robbing God in tithes and offerings? Here is instruction for you. Says the Lord, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10). Why not take the Lord at His word? It is our privilege to experience the joy of Christ. {TDG 101.3}
要使那些尝过基督丰富知识的人,相信“祂像根出于干地,祂无佳形美容,”的确是一件颇不容易的事;何况祂对于我们的心灵,还可能成为“超乎万人之上,”且“全然可爱”的主(歌5:10,16)。我爱祂!我爱祂!我在耶稣的身上看出无可比拟的优美。我在祂身上发现了世人所羡慕的一切。但愿我们都来亲就“上帝的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的”(约1:29)!惟愿我们都藉着祂的功劳和公义,获得进入天国的适当准备。忧伤痛悔的心,祂必不轻看。(《评论与通讯》1889年4月2日) {TDG 101.3}
It would be a difficult matter to convince those who have tasted of the rich knowledge of Christ, that He is as a root out of dry ground, without form or comeliness; and He may become to our souls “the chiefest among ten thousand,” and the One “altogether lovely” (Song of Solomon 5:10, 16). I love Him! I love Him! I see in Jesus matchless charms. I see in Him everything to be desired by the children of men. Let us come to the “Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Let us, through His merits and righteousness, obtain a fitting up for heaven. The broken and contrite heart He will not despise.—The Review and Herald, April 2, 1889. {TDG 101.4}
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