4月8日 明白未知之事
Knowing the Unknown, April 8
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.1 Corinthians 2:11.{YRP 107.1}[1]
《启示录》并非什么新的创造或发明,只是显明了直到启示之前人尚未知道的事。福音中所包含的伟大永远的真理,是借着殷勤查考,及在上帝面前虚己显明的。神圣的教师引领谦卑寻求真理之人的心思;藉着圣灵的引导,他得以明白圣经的真理。再也没有其他方法比受这种引导能更确实有效地明白真理的了。救主应许说:“只等真理的圣灵来了,祂要引导你们进入一切的真理”(约16:13)。借圣灵的赐与,我们才得以明白上帝的话。{YRP 107.1}[2]
Revelation is not the creation or invention of something new, but the manifestation of what was, until revealed, unknown to human beings. The great and eternal truths contained in the gospel are revealed through diligent searching and humbling of ourselves before God. The divine Teacher leads the mind of the humble seeker for truth; and by the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the truths of the Word are made known to him. And there can be no more certain and efficient way of knowledge than in being thus guided. The promise of the Saviour was “When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). It is through the impartation of the Holy Spirit that we are made to understand the Word of God.{YRP 107.2}[2]
诗人写道:“少年人用什么洁净他的行为呢!是要遵行祢的话。我一心寻求了祢,求祢不要叫我偏离祢的命令。……求祢开我的眼睛,使我看出祢律法中的奇妙”(诗119:9-18)。{YRP 107.2}[3]
The psalmist writes, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.... Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psalm 119:9-18).{YRP 107.3}[3]
我们受告诫要寻找真理,如同寻找隐藏的珍宝。主开启真心追求真理之人的悟性;圣灵则使他能领悟启示的真理。诗人祈求主开他的眼睛,使他看出律法中的奇妙时,就是这个意思。当心灵渴望耶稣基督的优美时,心智就能领会更美世界的荣耀。惟有藉着神圣教师的帮助,我们才能明白上帝之道的真理。在基督的门下,我们学习柔和谦卑,因为有悟性赐给我们,叫我们明白敬虔的奥秘。{YRP 107.3}[4]
We are admonished to seek for the truth as for hid treasure. The Lord opens the understanding of the true seeker after truth; and the Holy Spirit enables him to grasp the truths of revelation. This is what the psalmist means when he asks that his eyes may be opened to behold wondrous things out of the law. When the soul pants after the excellencies of Jesus Christ, the mind is enabled to grasp the glories of the better world. Only by the aid of the divine Teacher can we understand the truths of the Word of God. In Christ’s school we learn to be meek and lowly because there is given to us an understanding of the mysteries of godliness.{YRP 107.4}[4]
默示圣经的主也是圣经的真正解释者。基督叫祂的听众注意简明的自然法则,和他们日常所看见所接触的事物,藉以阐明祂的教训。祂就这样把他们的心思从自然界引向灵界。(SSW.1909.12.1){YRP 107.4}[5]
He who inspired the Word was the true expositor of the Word. Christ illustrated His teachings by calling the attention of His hearers to the simple laws of nature, and to the familiar objects which they daily saw and handled. Thus He led their minds from the natural to the spiritual.—Sabbath-School Worker, December 1, 1909.{YRP 107.5}[5]
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