5月2日 试炼的时候
In Times of Trial, May 2
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.Hebrews 4:15.{YRP 131.1}[1]
基督住在凭信心接受祂的人心里。虽然会有考验临到,但主必与我们同在。主临格在其中的燃烧的荆棘并没有被烧毁。那火并没有消灭树枝上的一根纤维。软弱的人倚靠基督时也会这样。试探的火窑或许会燃烧,逼迫和考验或许会来到,但却只会烧掉渣滓。金子会因净化的过程而发出更加明亮的光辉。{YRP 131.1}[2]
Christ dwells in him who receives Him by faith. Though trials may come upon the soul, yet the Lord’s presence will be with us. The burning bush in which was the Lord’s presence did not consume away. The fire did not extinguish a fiber of the branches. Thus will it be with the feeble human agent who puts his trust in Christ. The furnace fire of temptation may burn, persecution and trial may come, but only the dross will be consumed. The gold will shine brighter because of the process of purification.{YRP 131.2}[2]
住在忠心之人心里的主比控制不信之人的那位更大。不要因临到你身上的考验而苦苦抱怨,却要让你的双眼注视基督,祂以人性披覆了自己的神性,以便我们明白祂多么关爱我们,因为祂竟将自己与受苦的人类视同一体。祂尝了人类忧伤的杯,在我们一切的苦难中,祂也同受苦难,祂因苦难而得以完全,在凡事上受了试探与人类一样,以便搭救被试探的人。{YRP 131.2}[3]
Greater is He that is in the heart of the faithful, than he that controls the hearts of unbelievers. Complain not bitterly of the trial which comes upon you, but let your eyes be directed to Christ, who has clothed His divinity with humanity, in order that we may understand how great His interest in us since He has identified Himself with suffering humanity. He tasted the cup of human sorrow, He was afflicted in all our afflictions, He was made perfect through suffering, tempted in all points like as humanity is tempted, in order that He might succor those who are in temptation.{YRP 131.3}[3]
祂说:“我必使人比精金还少,使人比俄斐纯金更少”(赛13:12)。祂要与人同住,并且赐给人圣灵,从而使人宝贵。祂说:“你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女,何况天父,岂不更将圣灵给求祂的人吗”(路11:13)?{YRP 131.3}[4]
He says, “I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir” (Isaiah 13:12). He will make a man precious by abiding with Him, by giving unto him the Holy Spirit. He says, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:13).{YRP 131.4}[4]
主已指示我们要称上帝为我们的父,把祂看作父爱的源头,这爱通过人心的渠道一直在世世流传。地上表现的一切同情、怜悯和仁爱都源自上帝的宝座,这一切与祂心中常存的爱相比,就象泉水与海洋对比一样。祂的爱涌流不息,要使软弱的刚强,使怯懦的坚定,使摇摆不定的人有道德勇气。上帝藉着基督作工,而人则可奉圣子的名来到圣父面前。我们的科学和诗歌乃是“请听主为我的心灵成就了何等大的事。”(ST.1896.3.5){YRP 131.4}[5]
The Lord has instructed us to call God our Father, to regard Him as the fountain of paternal affection, the source of the love that has been flowing from century to century through the channel of the human heart. All the pity, compassion, and love which have been manifested in the earth have emanated from the throne of God, and, compared to the love that dwells in His heart, are as a fountain to an ocean. His love is perpetually flowing forth to make the weak strong, to make the fainthearted firm, and give moral courage to the wavering. God works through Christ, and man may come unto the Father in the name of the Son. Our science and our song is “Hear what the Lord hath done for my soul.”—The Signs of the Times, March 5, 1896.{YRP 131.5}[5]
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