5月10日 指导家庭成圣
Directing the Sanctification of the Family, May 10
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.Proverbs 22:6.{YRP 139.1}[1]
我呼吁父母们要预备自己和儿女与天上的家庭团聚。要为基督的缘故准备好安然见主。要开始在你家中按正确的路线作工。要着手处理问题的根本。要把真理带入你家中,使家人成圣纯洁。不要把真理留在外院。许多自称基督徒的人对于自己的利益多么盲目啊!他们完全没能看出要是让基督进入家中,祂就会为他们做什么。假使基督徒们认真努力争取生命的冠冕,象世人追求属世的利益一样,上帝的教会肯定会以大能前进。……{YRP 139.1}[2]
I appeal to parents to prepare themselves and their children to unite with the family above. Get ready, for Christ’s sake, get ready to meet your Lord in peace. Begin to work in your family on right lines. Get down to the root of the matter. Bring the truth into your homes, to sanctify and purify them. Do not keep it in the outer court. How blind many professing Christians are to their own interests! How utterly they fail to see what Christ would do for them were He admitted into their homes. Let Christians work as earnestly to win the crown of life as worldlings work to win earthly advantages, and the church of God will certainly move forward with power....{YRP 139.2}[2]
圣灵产生与上帝的律法相和谐的行为。付出辛苦的努力以表现仁慈、忍耐和爱心的家庭,会见到圣灵使人重生的工作。全能者的能力在运行,预备人的心与脑服从圣灵的熏陶,引导父母们自洁,也圣化他们的儿女。{YRP 139.2}[3]
The Holy Spirit produces actions that are in harmony with the law of God. The regenerating work of the Spirit will be seen in families where painstaking efforts are put forth to manifest kindness, patience, and love. Almighty power is at work, preparing minds and hearts to submit to the molding influence of the Holy Spirit, leading parents to sanctify themselves, that their children also may be sanctified.{YRP 139.3}[3]
家庭的每一个成员如果都是彬彬有礼的基督徒,就必发挥为善的深远影响。其他家庭会注意到这种家庭所取得的成果,并效法所树立的榜样,从而保护自己的家庭不受撒但的影响。{YRP 139.3}[4]
The home in which the members are polite, courteous Christians exerts a far-reaching influence for good. Other families will mark the results attained by such a home, and will follow the example set, in their turn guarding the home against satanic influences.{YRP 139.4}[4]
以上帝的旨意为主的家庭,上帝的天使必时常来访。在上帝恩典的大能之下,这样的家庭能振作疲倦的旅客。警惕的防守排除了自作主张之虞。正确的习惯养成了。对于别人的权益有了细致的认识。生发仁爱并洁净心灵的信心操持着舵柄,管理整个家庭。在这种家庭的神圣感化之下,圣经中弟兄相爱的原则获得了更普遍的认同和遵从。(SW.1904.1.19){YRP 139.4}[5]
The angels of God will often visit the home in which the will of God bears sway. Under the power of divine grace such a home becomes a place of refreshing to worn, weary pilgrims. By watchfully guarding, self is kept from asserting itself. Correct habits are formed. There is a careful recognition of the rights of others. The faith that works by love and purifies the soul stands at the helm, presiding over the whole household. Under the hallowed influence of such a home, the principle of brotherhood laid down in the Word of God is more widely recognized and obeyed.—The Southern Watchman, January 19, 1904.{YRP 139.5}[5]
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