5月19日 藉文字布道士制造持久的印..
Making Lasting Impressions Through the Canvasser, May 19
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!?Isaiah 52:7.{YRP 148.1}[1]
谦卑热烈的祈祷,会有助于我们书刊的流通,过于世上一切华贵的装饰。工人们若能专心注意那真正活泼真实的事;他们若能祈求圣灵,相信圣灵,并倚靠圣灵,祂的大能就会如天上的洪流沛降与他们,并在人心留下正确恒久的印象。因此你们要一面祈祷,一面作工;一面作工,一面祈祷,如此主就必与你们同工了。{YRP 148.1}[2]
Humble, fervent prayer would do more in behalf of the circulation of our books than all the expensive pictures in the world. If the workers will turn their attention to that which is true and living and real; if they will pray for, believe for, and trust in the Holy Spirit, it will be poured upon them in strong, heavenly currents, and right and lasting impressions will be made upon the human heart. Then pray and work, and work and pray, and the Lord will work with you.{YRP 148.2}[2]
每一位文字布道士实在随时都需要天使的服务;因为他有一番重大的工要作,这不是他能靠自己的力量作成的。那些已经重生,愿受圣灵的引导,照着基督的方法做他们所能做之事的人,那些肯忠心谨慎作工,仿佛在天宇鉴临之下的人,必有圣天使伴随指导,在他们之前到人们的家里,为他们预备道路。……{YRP 148.2}[3]
Every canvasser has positive and constant need of the angelic ministration; for he has an important work to do, a work that he cannot do in his own strength. Those who are born again, who are willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit, doing in Christ’s way that which they can do, those who will work as if they could see the heavenly universe watching them, will be accompanied and instructed by holy angels, who will go before them to the dwellings of the people, preparing the way for them....{YRP 148.3}[3]
人若觉悟我们所处的时势,就必努力作工,仿佛是在上天鉴临之下。文字布道士必推销那些使人得到光明及力量的书报。他必饱饮这些书报的精义,并全心投入这工作,向人们介绍这些书报。他的力量,他的勇气,他的成功,端赖乎书报中的真理有多充分地交织在他自己的经验上,发展在他的品格内。他自己的人生既如此经受陶冶,就能奋勇前进,把自己所带入各家的书籍中的神圣真理传给别人。他受了上帝圣灵的灌注,就可得一种深切丰富的经验,而天使们也会使他在工作上成功。(AUCR.1901.5.1){YRP 148.3}[4]
When men realize the times in which we are living, they will work as in the sight of heaven. The canvasser will handle these books that bring light and strength to the soul. He will drink in the spirit of these books, and put his whole soul into the work of presenting them to the people. His strength, his courage, his success will depend upon how fully the truth presented in the books is woven into his own experience and developed in his character. When his own life is thus molded he can go forward representing to others the sacred truth he is handling in the books for which he is finding a place in homes. Imbued with the Spirit of God, he will gain a deep, rich experience, and heavenly angels will give him success in the work.—(Australasian) Union Conference Record, May 1, 1901.{YRP 148.4}[4]
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