6月1日 世上最伟大的工作
The Greatest Work on Earth, June 1
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.Luke 19:10.{YRP 161.1}[1]
每一个相信基督为个人救主的人,都与上帝立约,要清洁成圣,做属灵的工人,寻求拯救失丧的人,无论他们是大或小,是贫是富,是自主还是为奴。地上最伟大的工作,就是寻找拯救失丧的人。基督已为他们付出自己宝血的无限代价。每一个人都要积极行动起来,那些已经蒙福拥有亮光的人,若不把光传给别人,就会失去已经赐给他们的丰富恩典,因为他们忽视圣经中明白规定的本分。不忠之人的光既暗淡了,他自己的灵魂就陷入危险中;而那些原应从他得到亮光的人也没有得到上帝原打算藉着他为他们做的工作。这样,他没去寻找的羊就没有被带回羊圈。{YRP 161.1}[2]
Everyone who believes in Christ as a personal Saviour is under bonds to God to be pure and holy, to be a spiritual worker, seeking to save the lost, whether they are great or small, rich or poor, bond or free. The greatest work on earth is to seek and to save those who are lost, for whom Christ has paid the infinite price of His own blood. Everyone is to do active service, and if those who have been blessed with light do not diffuse light to others, they will lose the rich grace which has been bestowed upon them, because they neglect a sacred duty plainly marked out in the Word of God. As the light of the unfaithful one diminishes, his own soul is brought into peril; and the ones to whom he should have been a shining light miss the labor that God intended that they should have through the human instrument. Thus the sheep unsought is not brought back to the fold.{YRP 161.2}[2]
上帝信任你这个人会尽最大的努力履行你的职责。衪会亲自把更多的恩典加添给你。只要人愿意与神圣的使者合作,千万生灵就会得救。圣灵会让献身的工人瞥见耶稣。这会鼓舞他们的斗志,使他们振作坚强,得胜有余。只要有两三个人聚集,同心合意祈求,主的应许“你们祈求就给你们;寻找就寻见;叩门就给你们开门”(路11:9)就会应验在他们身上。“你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女,何况天父,岂不更将圣灵给求祂的人吗”(路11:13)?主应许说,无论在哪里,有两三个人奉衪的名聚会,就有衪在他们中间。聚集祷告的人会得到圣者的恩膏。(RH.1896.6.30){YRP 161.2}[3]
God depends upon you, the human agent, to fulfil your duty to the best of your ability, and He Himself will give the increase. If human agents would but cooperate with the divine intelligences, thousands of souls would be rescued. The Holy Spirit would give devoted workers glimpses of Jesus that would brace them for every conflict, that would elevate and strengthen them, and make them more than conquerors. When two or three are met together to unite their counsel, and to send up their petitions, the promise is for them: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Luke 11:9). “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (verse 13). The Lord has promised that where two or three are met together in His name, there will He be in the midst. Those who meet together for prayer will receive an unction from the Holy One.—The Review and Herald, June 30, 1896.{YRP 161.3}[3]
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