6月13日 连儿童也能传播信仰
Even Children May Share Their Faith, June 13
“祭司长和文士看见耶稣所行的奇事,又见小孩子在殿里喊着说:和散那归与大卫的子孙!就甚恼怒,对祂说:这些人所说的,祢听见了吗?耶稣说:是的,经上说:‘祢从婴孩和吃奶的口中完全了赞美的话。’你们没有念过吗”(太21:15,16)?{YRP 173.1}[1]
And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David; they were sore displeased, and said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise??Matthew 21:15, 16.{YRP 173.1}[1]
真理的旗帜会由谦卑的男男女女、青少年,甚至儿童举起来,藉着彰显真理为他们所成就的,可以成为别人的福气。上帝会使用极其软弱的器皿,只要他们完全顺从祂。祂能藉着他们作工,接触传道人所不能接近的人。有大路小路上的人要予以寻找。你要手拿圣经,心中因上帝的爱火热,出去告诉他人你的经验;你可以向他们传达已经深印你心的真理,以信心祈求上帝使你拯救他们的努力取得成功。要传达亮光,你就会有更多的亮光可以传达。这样你就可以成为与上帝同工的人。{YRP 173.2 }[2]
The standard of truth may be raised by humble men and women; and the youth, and even children, may be a blessing to others, by revealing what the truth has done for them. God will use the most feeble instruments if they are wholly submitted to Him. He can work through them to reach souls to whom the minister could not obtain access. There are the highways and byways to be searched. With your Bible in your hand, with your heart warm and glowing with the love of God, you may go out and tell others your experience; you may make known to them the truth that has impressed your heart, praying with faith that God will make your efforts successful in their salvation. Communicate light, and you will have more light to communicate. Thus you may become laborers together with God.{YRP 173.2}[2]
上帝希望祂的儿女充分利用他们的一切力量去造福他人,他们能本着耶稣的力量刚强起来。你或许不是博学的人,或许没有人认为你能为上帝做什么大事,然而有些事情是你能做的。你可以让你的光照亮他人。……{YRP 173.3}[3]
God desires that His children shall make use of all their powers, that in working to bless others, they may grow strong in the strength of Jesus. You may not be learned; you may not be thought capable of doing a great work for God; but there are things which you can do. You can let your light shine forth to others....{YRP 173.3}[3]
每一个人都可以明白真理,并且发挥为善的感化力。那么就去作工吧,我的弟兄姐妹们。要藉着为他人作工来获得一种经验。你可能犯错;但最聪明的人、位高权重的人也不过如此,一再犯错。你不一定总是成功;但你决不会知道谦卑无私地努力帮助处于黑暗中之人的果效。藉着圣灵的力量,你可以争取人离开错谬归向真理,而在这么做时,你自己的心灵也会充满上帝的爱。(RH.1897.1.12){YRP 173.4}[4]
Everyone may have an understanding of the truth, and exert an influence for good. Then go to work, my brethren and sisters. Gain an experience by working for others. You may make mistakes; but this is not more than the most intelligent, and those in positions of trust, have done again and again. You will not always meet with success; but you can never know the result of humble, disinterested effort to help those who are in darkness. Through the agency of the Holy Spirit, you may win souls from error to truth, and in so doing your own souls will be filled with the love of God.—The Review and Herald, January 12, 1897.{YRP 173.4}[4]
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