6月14日 全球的使命:圣灵打开门户
Global Mission: The Spirit Opens Doors, June 14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.Matthew 24:14.{YRP 174.1}[1]
全世界是一个广大的传道园地,然而一想到曾经难以进入的园地如今容易进入了,我们久已在真理上坚立的人就应该受到鼓舞。我们国家的每一个教会都应该寻求复兴传道的精神。他们应该寻求在热心和活动方面稳步增长。大家都应祈求这种使人力财力不被用在圣工上的漠不关心的态度得以消除,使基督能住在人心里。祂为我们的缘故成为贫穷,叫我们因祂的贫穷,可以成为富足。{YRP 174.1}[2]
The whole world is a vast missionary field, and yet we who have long been established in the truth should be encouraged with the thought that fields which were once difficult of access are now easily entered. Every church in our land should seek for the revival of the missionary spirit. They should seek for steady growth in zeal and activity. All should pray that the indifference which has caused both men and means to be withheld from the work may be banished, and that Christ may abide in the soul. For our sake He became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich.{YRP 174.2}[2]
圣灵的职责是使人服罪,而我知道,我们任何一个人现在的漠不关心都是罪。我们环顾已经进入的不同园地,就不由地询问:“上帝做了什么?”祂为祂的葡萄园所做的还能做什么呢?上帝已经做了准备,要提供祂丰富的恩典,赐神能完成祂的工作。就上帝而言毫无缺欠,有缺欠的是人这一方,人不肯与上帝合作。按上帝所定的计划,若不通过人的合作,就不能为拯救人类做什么。已经蒙主惠赐亮光和证据的罪人,既知道靠着所能提供给他们的恩典,可以符合得救的条件,却不肯努力尝试,那么他们灭亡就只能怪自己了。我们认为论到这种人可以说基督为他们舍命是徒然的。{YRP 174.2}[3]
The office work of the Holy Spirit is to convince of sin, and I know that it is a sin for any one of us to be indifferent now. As we look around at the different fields that have been entered, we are led to inquire, “What hath God wrought?” What more could He have done for His vineyard than He has done? God has made provision to supply His rich grace, to give divine power for the performance of His work. Nothing is wanting on the part of God; the lack is on the part of the human agency, who refuses to cooperate with divine intelligences. Through the plan He has devised, nothing can be done for the salvation of man save through the cooperation of man. Sinners who have been blessed with light and evidence, who know that through grace that can be supplied to them, they may meet the conditions upon which salvation is promised, and yet who decline to make the attempt, have but themselves to blame for their own destruction. We feel that of such it may be said that Christ has died for them in vain.{YRP 174.3}[3]
但那班不认识上帝,也没机会听见我们信仰缘由的人灭亡应该由谁负责呢?教会对于没有福音而在灭亡的世界有什么责任呢?那些自称相信真理的人若不更加坚定地舍己,更加坚定地忠心将十分之一和捐献送入库中,制定前所未有的更加广大的计划,我们就不会完成将福音传遍天下、将基督传给每一个人的使命。(HM.1895.4.1){YRP 174.3}[4]
But who is to blame for the loss of souls who know not God, and who have had no opportunity for hearing the reasons of our faith? What obligation rests upon the church in reference to a world that is perishing without the gospel? Unless there is more decided self-denial on the part of those who claim to believe the truth, unless there is more decided faithfulness in bringing all the tithes and offerings into the treasury, unless broader plans are laid than have yet been carried into execution, we shall not fulfill the gospel commission to go into all the world, and preach Christ to every creature.—The Home Missionary, April 1, 1895.{YRP 174.4}[4]
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