6月16日 邻里间是工作的大园地
The Neighborhood: A Large Field of Work, June 16
Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.Luke 8:39.{YRP 176.1}[1]
各处的园地都在开放,呼召着传道的人。国内国外都有空缺,似乎无法填满。然而大量的人拥有真理的亮光,要是这些人愿意尽力把光传给他人,就可以有多么大的成就啊!虽然不能人人都作传道人,但人人都可在自己的家中为基督做些事。他们能在邻里间做一项善工。他们只要愿意把心思意念都放在工作上,则无论在什么岗位,就都能想方设法小规模地作有用的人。{YRP 176.1}[2]
The fields are opening everywhere, calling for the living preacher. At home and abroad are openings that there seems no way to fill. Yet there is a large number who have the light of truth, and if these would do all in their power to give light to others, how much might be accomplished! All cannot be preachers of the Word, but in their own homes all might do something for Christ. They could do a good work among their neighbors. If they would put their minds and hearts to the work, they might devise plans by which they could be useful in a small way, whatever their position.{YRP 176.2}[2]
作有用之人的机会越来越多,主正在敞开向人介绍上帝圣言的门路,需要我们奉献时间、智力、和金钱,照着上帝所赐给我们的大大小小的恩赐,设法把真理传到黑暗的地区,树立公义的旗帜,推进基督国度的权益。天使们正等着要与人力联合,使许多人可以听见并受圣灵感动,以致悔改归主。{YRP 176.2}[3]
The ever-increasing opportunities for usefulness, the providential openings for the Word of God to be presented, demand our offerings of time and intellect and money, gifts large and small, as God has prospered us, to make a way for the truth in the dark places of the earth, to set up the standard of righteousness, and to advance the interests of the kingdom of Christ. The heavenly angels are waiting to unite with the human agent, that many souls may hear and be impressed by the Holy Spirit, and be converted.{YRP 176.3}[3]
我们盼望和等待主的复临已久,然而我们在尽力催促祂降临吗?“主所应许的尚未成就,有人以为祂是耽延;其实不是耽延,乃是宽容你们,不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改”(彼后3:9)。主一直在做事,全天庭也在从事吸引人们归向基督并且悔改的工作,人在做什么好成为亮光的通道,以便与神能合作呢?他们每天有否询问:“主啊,祢要我做什么”(徒9:6)?他们有否象耶稣那样舍己?他们有没有深受感动,在祷告中向上帝倾心,以致能领受祂的恩典,就是上帝的圣灵,以便有智慧去用自己的能力和钱财作工,拯救基督之外将亡的生灵呢?(RH.1893.5.16){YRP 176.3}[4]
We have long been looking and waiting for the coming of the Lord; but are we doing all in our power to hasten His coming? “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). While the Lord is ever working, while all heaven is engaged in the work on earth to draw men to Christ and repentance, what are the human agents doing to be channels of light, that they may cooperate with the divine agencies? Are they daily inquiring, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). Are they practicing self-denial, as did Jesus? Are they deeply stirred, their hearts drawn out in prayer to God that they may be receiving of His grace, the Holy Spirit of God, that they may have wisdom to work with their ability and their means to save souls that are perishing out of Christ?—The Review and Herald, May 16, 1893.{YRP 176.4}[4]
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