6月15日 各城市的庄稼已熟
The Cities: Fields White for Harvest, June 15
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.John 4:35.{YRP 175.1}[1]
基督这番话是对当时的门徒说的,也诚然是对我们说的。时间在流逝,主号召从事祂各方面工作的人举目向田观看,庄稼都熟了,可以收割了。{YRP 175.1}[2]
To us, as surely as to the disciples of that time, Christ speaks these words. Time is passing, and the Lord calls upon the workers in all lines of His work to lift up their eyes and behold the fields all ripe for the harvest.{YRP 175.2}[2]
我们的工人没有付出应有的努力扩展工作范围。我们的领袖们没有意识到必须完成的工作。我想到还没有开展多少工作的各城中有千万人需要受到救主将要来临的警告,就感到切愿见到男男女女本着圣灵的能力前去作工,对将亡的生灵充满基督的爱。{YRP 175.2}[3]
Our workers are not branching out as they should in their efforts. Our leading men are not awake to the work that must yet be accomplished. When I think of the cities in which so little work has been done, in which there are so many thousands to be warned of the soon coming of the Saviour, I feel an intensity of desire to see men and women going forth to the work in the power of the Spirit, filled with Christ’s love for perishing souls.{YRP 175.3}[3]
在我们家门口的城市中就有外邦人一直遭到奇怪的忽略。应该付出有组织的努力去拯救他们。我们现在要对我们中间的异教徒作工,他们就住在我们四围。要把新歌放在他们口中,他们也要前去把第三位天使信息的亮光传给在黑暗中的人。{YRP 175.3}[4]
The heathen in the cities at our doors have been strangely neglected. Organized effort should be made to save them. We are now to work to convert the heathen who are in the midst of us—those who are living within the shadow of our doors. A new song is to be put in their mouths, and they are to go forth to impart to others now in darkness the light of the third angel’s message.{YRP 175.4}[4]
我们都需要十分清醒,以便门户敞开的时候,我们就能推进在大城市的工作。我们没有紧随所赐给我们的亮光去进入各城为上帝树立纪念物,而是远远落在后头。我们要逐步引导人进入真理全部的亮光中。许多人正渴望得到灵粮。我们要继续作工,直到组织了教会并建造简单的聚会场所。我大受鼓励,相信许多与我们信仰不同的人会用他们的钱财提供相当大的帮助。所赐给我的亮光是,在许多地方,特别是在美国的大城市里,这班人会提供帮助。(PUR.1902.10.23){YRP 175.4}[5]
We all need to be wide awake that, as the way opens, we may advance the work in the large cities. We are far behind in following the light given us to enter the cities and erect memorials for God. Step by step we are to lead souls into the full light of truth. Many are longing for spiritual food. We are to continue working until a church is organized and a humble house of worship built. I am greatly encouraged to believe that many persons not of our faith will help considerably by their means. The light given me is that in many places, especially in the great cities of America, help will be given by such persons.—Pacific Union Recorder, October 23, 1902.{YRP 175.5}[5]
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