6月18日 为圣火所洁净
Touched With Sacred Fire, June 18
John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.Luke 3:16.{YRP 178.1}[1]
古时候如果把牺牲献在错误的祭坛上,或是用凡火点香乃是罪。我们今日也有将圣物和俗物掺杂的危险。我们在奉献供物时必须用来自上帝的圣火。真正的祭坛乃是基督,真正的火乃是圣灵。圣灵要感化、教导、带领、指引人,使他们成为可靠的辅导者。我们若是转离上帝所拣选的人,就会陷入求问假神,并在异教的祭坛上献祭的危险。……{YRP 178.1}[2]
It was a sin in the ancient economy to offer a sacrifice upon the wrong altar, or to allow incense to be kindled from a strange fire. We are in danger of commingling the sacred and the common. The holy fire from God is to be used with our offerings. The true altar is Christ, and the true fire is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is to inspire, to teach, to lead, and to guide men, and make them safe counselors. If we turn aside from God’s chosen ones, we are in danger of inquiring from strange gods, and of offering upon a strange altar....{YRP 178.2}[2]
若没有圣灵教导和启迪听者,最有力的讲道也无济于事。若没有圣灵与人力同工并藉着人力作工,研究圣经也不能使人得救,不能改变人的品性。有关圣工的计划不应该具有吸引人注意自己的性质。圣言是一种能力,是人手中的一把利剑。但圣灵才是它的效能,是它感化人心的活力。{YRP 178.2}[3]
The most powerful preaching of the Word will avail nothing unless the Spirit teaches and enlightens those who hear. Unless the Spirit works with and through the human agent, souls will not be saved or characters transformed by the reading of the Scriptures. The planning and devising that is done in connection with the work should not be of a character to draw attention to self. The Word is a power, a sword in the hand of the human agent. But the Holy Spirit is its efficiency, its vital power in impressing the mind.{YRP 178.3}[3]
“他们都要蒙上帝的教训”(约6:45)。叫光照入人心的乃是上帝。我的传道弟兄们愿意记住必需认出上帝是我们的力量之源,圣灵是保惠师吗?上帝为我们所能做的这么少,主要是因为我们忘了活泼的功效来自我们与圣灵合作。(2MR.45,46){YRP 178.3}[4]
“They shall all be taught of God” (John 6:45). It is God that causeth the light to shine into the hearts of men. Will my ministering brethren remember that it is essential that God be recognized as the source of our strength, and the Spirit as the Comforter? The great reason why God can do so little for us is that we forget that living virtue comes through our cooperation with the Holy Spirit.—Manuscript Releases 2:45, 46.{YRP 178.4}[4]
圣灵不断地引导人瞥见属上帝的事。人似乎感觉上帝就在身旁,于是只要人心起响应,只要心门敞开,耶稣就会与人同住。圣灵的能力在人心中运行,引导人的意志倾向于耶稣,使人因活泼的信心和完全依靠神能而立志行事为要成就祂的美意。圣灵照着人决定和遵行所启示之亮光的速度将上帝的事启示给人。(2MR.46){YRP 178.4}[5]
The Spirit is constantly showing to the soul glimpses of the things of God. A divine presence seems to hover near, and then if the mind responds, if the door of the heart is opened, Jesus abides with the human agent. The Spirit’s energy is working in the heart and leading the inclination of the will to Jesus by living faith and complete dependence on divine power to will and to do of His good pleasure. The Spirit taketh the things of God, just as fast as the soul resolves and acts in accordance with the light revealed.—Manuscript Releases 2:46.{YRP 178.5}[5]
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