6月27日 全天庭都关心救灵工作
All Heaven Interested in Saving Souls, June 27
To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.2 Corinthians 5:19.{YRP 187.1}[1]
在拯救罪人的工作上,人与天使必须合作无间,将上帝的真理教导未曾听见的人,好叫他们得释放,脱离罪恶的捆绑。惟有真理能使人自由。要把这通过认识真理而来的自由传给凡受造的。我们的天父,耶稣基督,以及天使都关注这项伟大神圣的工作。{YRP 187.1}[2]
In the work of saving men, men and angels are to work in harmony, teaching the truth of God to those who are unlearned therein, in order that they may be set free from the bonds of sin. Truth alone can make men free. The liberty that comes through a knowledge of truth is to be proclaimed to every creature. Our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the angels of heaven are all interested in this grand and holy work.{YRP 187.2}[2]
人已蒙赐予崇高的特权,要借着无私地努力救人脱离毁灭的陷坑来彰显上帝的品德。凡顺从圣灵启迪的人,都要被用来成就上帝所策划的这个目标。基督是教会的元首,让教会的每一分子都从事救灵的大工,就会更加荣耀祂。{YRP 187.2}[3]
To man has been given the exalted privilege of revealing the divine character by unselfishly seeking to rescue man from the pit of ruin into which he has been plunged. Every human being who will submit to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit is to be used for the accomplishment of this divinely conceived purpose. Christ is the head of His church, and it will glorify Him the more to have every portion of that church engaged in the work for the salvation of souls....{YRP 187.3}[3]
一个罪人悔改,在天上就有欢喜,较比为九十九个认为自己不用悔改的人,欢喜更大。当我们听说在任何地方真理获得胜利时,全教会就当一齐唱快乐的诗歌,同声赞美上帝。但愿主的名因我们得荣耀,我们也要受到激励,以更大的热心与上帝同工。主耶稣敦促我们遵命“往普天下去,传福音给万民听”(可16:15)。但我们需要为圣灵的感动多留余地,使大家能同心协力,奋勇向前,象一队团结一致的士兵一样。{YRP 187.3}[4]
There is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents, than over the ninety and nine who suppose they need no repentance. When we hear of the success of the truth in any locality, let the whole church join in songs of rejoicing, let praises ascend to God. Let the name of the Lord be glorified by us, and we shall be inspired with greater zeal to become workers together with God. The Lord urges us to fulfill the injunction “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). But we need to leave more room for the working of the Holy Spirit, in order that laborers may be bound together and may move forward in the strength of a united body of soldiers.{YRP 187.4}[4]
大家都要记住“我们成了一台戏,给世人和天使观看”(林前4:9)。因此各人都应该存谦卑敬畏的心询问:我的本分之路是什么?完全献身侍奉上帝会显明圣灵在沿路每一步的塑造性影响。(RH.1895.7.16){YRP 187.4}[5]
Let all remember that we are “a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Corinthians 4:9). Therefore each one should inquire with meekness and fear, What is my path of duty? Entire consecration to the service of God will reveal the molding influence of the Holy Spirit at every step along the way.—The Review and Herald, July 16, 1895.{YRP 187.5}[5]
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