7月3日 成为救人的工具
To Become Agents of Salvation, July 3
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.2 Corinthians 4:6.{YRP 193.1}[1]
基督徒应真正成为耶稣基督的代表。他们不要作假冒者。世人难道要从那些徒有基督之名,却不行基督所行之事的人身上形成对上帝的观念吗?难道世人要指着那些自称是信徒,心中却不相信,不忠于神圣的托付,却行仇敌所行之事的人说:“这些就是基督徒,他们会欺骗,说谎,不可信赖”吗?这些人都不能真正代表上帝。{YRP 193.1}[2]
Christians are to be indeed the representatives of Jesus Christ; they are not to be pretenders. Shall the world form its conceptions of God by the course of those who only take the name of Christ, and do not His works? Shall they point to those who claim to be believers, but who are not believers at heart, who betray sacred trusts, and work the works of the enemy, and say, “Oh, these are Christians, and they will cheat and lie, and they cannot be trusted”? These are not the ones who truly represent God.{YRP 193.2}[2]
但上帝不愿意让世人受欺骗。主在这世上有一班特殊的子民。祂不耻于称他们为弟兄,因为他们行基督所行的事。他们藉着遵守上帝的诫命表明他们对上帝的爱。他们有上帝的形像,他们是一台戏,给世界、众天使及全人类观看。他们与天上的生灵合作。那些有最多好行为的人使主得到最多的尊荣。{YRP 193.2}[3]
But God will not leave the world to be deceived. The Lord has a peculiar people on the earth, and He is not ashamed to call them brethren; for they do the works of Christ. They make it manifest that they love God, because they keep His commandments. They bear the divine image. They are a spectacle unto the world, to angels, and to men. They cooperate with heavenly intelligences, and the Lord is most honored and glorified by those who do the most good works.{YRP 193.3}[3]
真正敬虔的心是藉着好话语和好行为表现出来的。人看见爱主之人的行为,就归荣耀给上帝。真正的基督徒有许多善行。他们多结果子,让饥饿的人得饱足,赤身的人有衣穿,探访病人,为受苦的人服务。基督徒诚心关怀周围的儿童。他们因仇敌的狡猾试探而行将灭亡。……我们周围都是青年人。我们教会的成员对他们负有责任。因为基督为他们在髑髅地的十字架舍命,为他们买得了救恩。他们在上帝的眼中是宝贵的。祂希望他们永远幸福。{YRP 193.3}[4]
True piety of heart is made manifest by good words and good works, and men see the works of those who love God, and they are led thereby to glorify God. The true Christian abounds in good works; he brings forth much fruit. He feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, visits the sick, and ministers to the afflicted. Christians take a heartfelt interest in the children that are about them, who, through the subtle temptations of the enemy, are ready to perish.... There are youth all around us to whom the members of the church owe a duty; for Christ has died for them upon the cross of Calvary to purchase for them the gift of salvation. They are precious in the sight of God, and He desires their eternal happiness.{YRP 193.4}[4]
只有当教会的信徒们履行了职责,兴起发光,因为他们的光已经来到,上帝的荣耀显现照耀他们,这时基督救赎的工作才得以完成。基督呼召祂的仆人们自愿与祂合作,认真不懈地从事救灵的工作。(RH.1895.1.29){YRP 193.4}[5]
The saving work of Christ is complete only when the members of the church do their part, arising and shining because their light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon them. Christ calls for voluntary cooperation on the part of His agents in doing earnest, consistent work for the salvation of souls.—The Review and Herald, January 29, 1895.{YRP 193.5}[5]
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