7月25日 有恩赐的学生要作见证人
Students Gifted to Be Witnesses, July 25
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.2 Timothy 2:15.{YRP 215.1}[1]
教师和学生都要在谈话中抓住机会承认基督。这样的见证会比许多讲道更有效果。……{YRP 215.1}[2]
Let teachers and students watch for opportunities to confess Christ in their conversation. Such witness will be more effective than many sermons....{YRP 215.2}[2]
同学们,要使你们的学校生活尽可能完美。这段路程你们只能行走一次。你们的机会是宝贵的。你们不但应学习而且要实行基督的教训。在你们受教育的时候,同样也有机会传扬圣经的奇妙真理。要善于利用每一个这样的机会。凡是用在这项工作上的每一分钟,上帝都必赐福。要保持你的单纯和爱人的心。上帝必引领你行在平安的路上。你所获得的丰富经验将比金银宝石更有价值。{YRP 215.2}[3]
Students, make your school life as perfect as possible. You will pass over the way but once, and precious are the opportunities granted you. You are not only to learn but to practice the lessons of Christ. While obtaining your education, you have the opportunity to tell of the wonderful truths of God’s Word. Improve every such opportunity. God will bless every minute spent in this way. Maintain your simplicity and your love for souls, and the Lord will lead you in safe paths. The rich experience you gain will be of more value to you than gold or silver or precious stones.{YRP 215.3}[3]
你们不知道今后要蒙召做什么工作。上帝可以像使用但以理一样使用你们,向地上掌权的人传播真理的知识。你们有没有技能和知识来做这项工作,要看你们自己了。上帝能够在你们所学习的一切事上赐给你们技巧。祂能帮助你学好你所学的每门学科。你们的首要旨趣应当是掌握公义高尚的原则。上帝希望你们为祂作见证。祂不希望你们站着不动。祂要你们奔走在祂的诫命之中。{YRP 215.3}[4]
You know not to what position you may be called in the future. God may use you as He used Daniel, to take the knowledge of the truth to the mighty of the earth. It rests with you to say whether you will have skill and knowledge to do this work. God can give you skill in all your learning. He can help you to adapt yourself to the line of study you take up. Make it your first interest to gather up right, noble, uplifting principles. God desires you to witness for Him. He does not want you to stand still; He wants you to run in the way of His commandments.{YRP 215.4}[4]
基督希望使用每一个学生作祂的器皿。你们是与那为你们舍命的主合作。如果教师和学生们都能把自己的心灵、心智和一切力量都奉献给主的圣工,作祂的助手,就会有何等丰盛的福气临到我们学校啊!你们若愿意把自己交给祂保守,就能成为祂的助手。他必引你们行路安全,使你们能让自己和别人都行走正路。祂必赐给你们知识和智慧,使你们能胜任更多的服务工作。(CT 54,55){YRP 215.4}[5]
Christ desires to use every student as His agent. You are to cooperate with the One who gave His life for you. What rich blessings would come to our schools if teachers and students would consecrate themselves, heart, mind, soul, and strength, to God’s service as His helping hand! His helping hand—that is what you may be if you will yield yourselves to His keeping. He will lead you safely, and enable you to make straight paths for yourselves and for others. He will give you knowledge and wisdom, and a fitness for fuller service.—Counsels to Parents and Teachers, 554, 555.{YRP 215.5}[5]
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