9月5日 摩西
Moses, September 5
And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.Exodus 3:11, 12.{YRP 257.1}[1]
上帝在祂的圣工中委托以重大责任的人,都表现出敬虔与谦卑的特征。上帝在旷野呼召摩西时,发现他没有自信心。他觉得自己不配担任主呼召他担任的职务。但他接受了托付之后,就成了上帝手中磨光的器皿,从事那交托于人类最伟大的工作。{YRP 257.1}[2]
Devotion and humility have ever characterized the men with whom God has entrusted important responsibilities in His work. The divine call to Moses in the desert found him distrustful of self. He realized his unfitness for the position to which God had called him; but having accepted the trust, he became a polished instrument in the hand of God to accomplish the greatest work ever committed to mortals.{YRP 257.2}[2]
摩西如果依靠自己的力量与智慧,迫不及待地接受这项重大的任务,就证明自己不配承担这项工作。人感受到自己的软弱,至少证明他知道交托给他的工作非常重大。这样,他就有希望以上帝为他的顾问和力量。这样的人决不会超越上帝的引导,擅自行动。{YRP 257.2}[3]
Had Moses trusted to his own strength and wisdom, and eagerly accepted the great charge, he would have evinced his entire unfitness for such a work. The fact that a man feels his own weakness is at least some evidence that he realizes the magnitude of the work appointed him, and this gives room for hope that he will make God his counselor and his strength. Such a person will move no farther nor faster than he knows God is leading him.{YRP 257.3}[3]
人接受了上帝所托付的责任,一心一意追求做好工作的能力,就会获得力量和效能。他不论职分多么卑微,能力多么有限,若能欣然接受上帝所托付的责任,信赖上帝的能力,忠心地履行职责,就会成就真正的大事。他会觉得自己负有神圣的使命,抗拒罪恶,激励正义,扶持、安慰和造福同胞。怠惰、自私和追求名利之心,必须让位于这崇高神圣的呼召。{YRP 257.3}[4]
A man will gain power and efficiency as he accepts the responsibilities which God places upon him, and with his whole soul seeks to qualify himself to bear them aright. However humble his position or limited his ability, that individual will attain true greatness who cheerfully responds to the call of duty, and, trusting to the divine strength, seeks to perform his work with fidelity. He will feel that he has a sacred commission to battle against wrong, to strengthen the right, to elevate, comfort, and bless his fellow men. Indolence, selfishness, and love of worldly approbation must yield to this high and holy calling.{YRP 257.4}[4]
从事这项工作,软弱的人会变为刚强;怯懦的人会变为勇敢;犹豫不决的人会变为坚定不移。每一个人都看到自己工作和使命的重要性,因为是上天拣选他为万王之王执行的特殊任务。这样的人生活在世上,就会把世界变得更好。他们的感化力,要用来感化、洁净和提升他们所接触的人。他们就这样帮助同胞为承受天家作准备。(ST.1881.8.11){YRP 257.4}[5]
Engaged in such a work, the weak man will become strong; the timid, brave; the irresolute, firm and decided. Each sees the importance of his position and his course, inasmuch as heaven has chosen him to do a special work for the King of kings. Such men will leave the world better for their having lived in it. Their influence is exerted to elevate, to purify, and to ennoble all with whom they come in contact, and thus they help to prepare their fellow men for the heavenly courts.—The Signs of the Times, August 11, 1881.{YRP 257.5}[5]
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