9月12日 以利亚
Elijah, September 12
“以利亚前来对众民说:‘你们心持两意要到几时呢?若耶和华是上帝, 就当顺从耶和华;若巴力是上帝,就当顺从巴力。’众民一言不答”(王上18:21)。[1]
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.1 Kings 18:21.{YRP 264.1}[1]
当亚哈的日子,在约但河东基列的群山之间,住着一个大有信心,时常祈祷的提斯比人以利亚。他那无畏的服务注定是要遏制那在以色列中迅速蔓延的背道之风。他虽然住在偏僻的山间,离大城甚远,又没有占据崇高的地位,但他开始工作时,深信上帝必要在他面前预备道路,并帮助他大获成功。他的口中发出有信心有能力的话语;他奉献一生从事于改革的工作。他就是那在旷野中喊着的人声,为要斥责罪恶,抵制邪恶的狂澜。当他来到民众面前谴责罪恶的时候,他的信息对于那些愿意医治因罪恶而患病之心灵的人就成了“基列的乳香”。{YRP 264.1}[2]
Among the mountains of Gilead, east of the Jordan, there dwelt in the days of Ahab a man of faith and prayer whose fearless ministry was destined to check the rapid spread of apostasy in Israel. Far removed from any city of renown, and occupying no high station in life, Elijah the Tishbite nevertheless entered upon his mission confident in God’s purpose to prepare the way before him and to give him abundant success. The word of faith and power was upon his lips, and his whole life was devoted to the work of reform. His was the voice of one crying in the wilderness to rebuke sin and press back the tide of evil. And while he came to the people as a reprover of sin, his message offered the balm of Gilead to the sin-sick souls of all who desired to be healed.{YRP 264.2}[2]
当以利亚看到以色列越来越深地陷入拜偶像的罪时,他的心灵就非常悲痛,他的义愤也激发起来了。上帝已经为祂的子民行了大事。祂已拯救他们脱离奴役,并将“列国的地赐给他们,……好使他们遵祂的律例,守祂的律法”(诗105:44,45)。如今他们几乎完全忘记了耶和华慈悲的旨意。上帝所拣选的国度因不信而快要与他们能力的泉源割断了。{YRP 264.2}[3]
As Elijah saw Israel going deeper and deeper into idolatry, his soul was distressed and his indignation aroused. God had done great things for His people. He had delivered them from bondage and given them “the lands of the heathen: ... that they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws” (Psalm 105:44, 45). But the beneficent designs of Jehovah were now well-nigh forgotten. Unbelief was fast separating the chosen nation from the Source of their strength.{YRP 264.3}[3]
以利亚从他山间的退隐之处看到这种背道的情形,他几乎被忧愁所压倒了。他心灵惨痛地恳求上帝阻止这一度蒙爱之子民的邪恶行径,如果必要的话,降刑罚在他们身上,使他们看出自己远离上帝的真相。他渴望看到他们悔改,以免恶贯满盈,惹起耶和华的怒气,全然毁灭他们。(PK 119,120){YRP 264.3}[4]
Viewing this apostasy from his mountain retreat, Elijah was overwhelmed with sorrow. In anguish of soul he besought God to arrest the once-favored people in their wicked course, to visit them with judgments, if need be, that they might be led to see in its true light their departure from Heaven. He longed to see them brought to repentance before they should go to such lengths in evil-doing as to provoke the Lord to destroy them utterly.—Prophets and Kings, 119, 120.{YRP 264.4}[4]
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