9月19日 以斯拉与尼希米
Ezra and Nehemiah, September 19
So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is holy unto the Lord your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law.Nehemiah 8:8, 9.{YRP 271.1}[1]
尼希米和以斯拉都是善用机会的人。上帝有特殊的工作要他们做。他们要号召百姓省察自己的行为,看看错在哪里。因为上帝不会无缘无故使百姓无可奈何、狼狈不堪地成为囚虏的。上帝特别赐福给这些主持正义的人。尼希米不是祭司,也不是先知,但是上帝利用他做特别的工作。他被拣选作百姓的领袖,然而他对上帝的忠诚不取决于他的地位。{YRP 271.1}[2]
Nehemiah and Ezra are men of opportunity. The Lord had a special work for them to do. They were to call upon the people to consider their ways, and to see where they had made their mistake; for the Lord had not suffered His people to become powerless and confused and to be taken into captivity without a cause. The Lord especially blessed these men for standing up for the right. Nehemiah was not set apart as a priest or a prophet, but the Lord used him to do a special work. He was chosen as a leader of the people. But his fidelity to God did not depend upon his position.{YRP 271.2}[2]
上帝不容许自己的工作受到阻碍,即使工人可能是不配的。上帝把人储备起来,预备应付需要,以保护祂的工作不致受到一切败坏的影响。上帝将得到尊重和荣耀。当上帝的灵感动祂所指定担任祂圣工的人时,他就回答说:“我在这里;请差遣我。”{YRP 271.2}[3]
The Lord will not allow His work to be hindered, even though the workmen may prove unworthy. God has men in reserve, prepared to meet the demand, that His work may be preserved from all contaminating influences. God will be honored and glorified. When the divine Spirit impresses the mind of the man appointed by God as fit for the work, he responds, saying, “Here am I; send me.”{YRP 271.3}[3]
上帝曾为百姓施行了大事。祂向他们表明:祂不愿因他们的罪恶服劳(赛43:24)。祂不藉着那些不肯专心事奉祂、已在祂面前败坏了自己行为的人来工作。祂却藉着尼希米来工作,因为他在天上的册子中被登记为忠诚的人。上帝曾说:“尊重我的,我必重看他”(撒上2:30)。尼希米证明自己是一位能为上帝所用,抵制虚假原则,恢复天上原则的人。上帝重看了他。上帝愿意在祂的圣工中使用钢铁般忠于原则的人,他们不为已经人属灵视力之人的诡辩所动摇。(RH.1899.5.2){YRP 271.3}[4]
God demonstrated to the people for whom He had done so much that He would not serve with their sins. He wrought, not through those who refused to serve Him with singleness of purpose, who had corrupted their ways before Him, but through Nehemiah; for he was registered in the books of heaven as a man. God has said, “Them that honour me I will honour” (1 Samuel 2:30). Nehemiah showed himself to be a man whom God could use to put down false principles and to restore heaven-born principles; and God honored him. The Lord will use in His work men who are as true as steel to principle, who will not be swayed by the sophistries of those who have lost their spiritual eyesight.—The Review and Herald, May 2, 1899.{YRP 271.4}[4]
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