10月18日 顺服的心
A Mind Submissive, October 18
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.Ephesians 3:16.{YRP 300.1}[1]
基督的福音使每一个献身为主服务的人进步。圣灵掌管每一位乐意接受的人。不是人差用圣灵,而是圣灵通过浇灌人心的恩典施行奇迹。上帝的恩慈通过言行一致的生活,通过对耶稣强烈的爱,通过上天所感动的热诚,形成工作的动力。与耶稣联合的人,会分享祂感化人心的爱,向屈服于撒但狡猾试探的人,彰显祂丰盛的怜悯。他们将策划、研究和运用机智,成功地表显基督无私的爱,感化基督舍身拯救的顽梗罪人回归耶稣。……{YRP 300.1}[2]
The gospel of Christ makes progress in every human agent that is consecrated to the Lord’s service. The Holy Spirit takes possession of everyone who has a willing mind, not that that person may work the Holy Spirit, but that the Holy Spirit may work its miracle through the grace that is poured upon the human agency. The goodness of God becomes a working power through a consistent life, through fervent love for Jesus, and through heaven-inspired zeal. Those who are in association with Jesus will partake of His melting love, and manifest His overflowing sympathy for souls who are yielding to Satan’s specious temptations. They will plan and study and exercise tact, in order that they may make a success of so presenting the unselfish love of Christ that sinful and impenitent hearts may be won to loyalty to Jesus, who gave His life for them....{YRP 300.2}[2]
不要浪费光阴。要不失时机地承认基督。保惠师圣灵是真理的灵,是为基督作见证的。耶稣说:“圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力,并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证”(徒1:18)。{YRP 300.1}[3]
Lose no time; confess Christ without delay. It is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of truth that testifies of Christ. Jesus said, “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).{YRP 300.3}[3]
令那能帮助你为基督作证的圣灵担忧,是一件十分可怕的事。你不知道自己什么时候是最后一次令圣灵担忧。圣灵不会擅自在人心中运行,强迫你献身给基督,叫你的良心屈服。圣灵只是光照人心,使人知罪,引导你就近公义。你现在若不承认基督,时候将到,你会深深意识到自己的重大损失,你会懊悔不已。但你为什么不趁着仁慈的声音仍向你邀请的时候承认基督呢?(YI.1895.8.1){YRP 300.3}[4]
To grieve the Holy Spirit which would make you a witness of Christ is a terrible thing. You know not when you may grieve the Spirit for the last time. The Holy Spirit does not work upon the human heart to compel you to give yourself to Christ, to force you to yield your conscience: but [the Spirit] shines into the chambers of the mind in a way to convict of sin, and to entice you unto righteousness. If you do not confess Christ now, the time will come when, overwhelmed with a sense of the great things that you have lost, you will make confession. But why not confess Christ now while mercy’s voice invites you?—The Youth’s Instructor, August 1, 1895.{YRP 300.4}[4]
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