11月3日 一个新的五旬节
A New Pentecost, November 3
And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.Acts 6:7.{YRP 316.1}[1]
门徒怎样充满圣灵的能力,出去宣传福音,今日上帝的仆人也当如此出去。我们心中既充满无私的愿望,向身处谬误与不信黑暗中的人传扬慈怜的信息,就当承担起主的圣工。祂要我们与祂合作,尽到我们的本分。祂还会感动不信者的心,在域外推进祂的圣工。许多人已接受了圣灵,福音的道路不再为冷淡的漠视所阻挡。{YRP 316.1}[2]
As the disciples, filled with the power of the Spirit, went forth to proclaim the gospel, so God’s servants are to go forth today. Filled with an unselfish desire to give the message of mercy to those who are in the darkness of error and unbelief, we are to take up the Lord’s work. He gives us our part to do in cooperation with Him, and He will also move on the hearts of unbelievers to carry forward His work in the regions beyond. Already many are receiving the Holy Spirit, and no longer will the way be blocked by listless indifference.{YRP 316.2}[2]
为什么圣经要记录门徒在圣灵的感化与推动下,带着圣洁的热情工作的历史呢?难道不是为了让今日上帝的子民从这份记录中得着启发,为主殷勤工作吗?主在当日为祂的子民所作的,对我们今日同样重要,甚至更为重要。当日使徒所作的,今日教会的每一位信徒也要作。我们需要加倍的圣灵,以加倍的热情进行工作,因为罪恶的增加,需要更坚决地呼吁人悔改。{YRP 316.2}[3]
Why has the history of the work of the disciples, as they labored with holy zeal, animated and vitalized by the Holy Spirit, been recorded, if it is not that from this record the Lord’s people today are to gain an inspiration to work earnestly for Him? What the Lord did for His people in that time, it is just as essential, and more so, that He do for His people today. All that the apostles did, every church member today is to do. And we are to work with as much more fervor, to be accompanied by the Holy Spirit in as much greater measure, as the increase of wickedness demands a more decided call to repentance.{YRP 316.3}[3]
每一位蒙现代真理之光照耀的人,都要对处在黑暗中的人存同情之心。所有的信徒都要反射出清晰明确的光线。主藉着当日献身的使者在五旬节所完成的工作,祂正等着在今日成就。如今万物的结局近了,教会的热诚难道不应该超过早期的教会吗?门徒曾为上帝的荣耀发热心,大有能力地为真理作见证。这种热情难道不应该激发我们的心渴望宣讲基督与祂被钉的救赎之爱的故事吗?难道上帝的大能今日不应该比使徒时代更有力地彰显出来吗?(RH.1903.1.13){YRP 316.3}[4]
Everyone on whom is shining the light of present truth is to be stirred with compassion for those who are in darkness. From all believers light is to be reflected in clear, distinct rays. A work similar to that which the Lord did through His delegated messengers after the day of Pentecost He is waiting to do today. At this time, when the end of all things is at hand, should not the zeal of the church exceed even that of the early church? Zeal for the glory of God moved the disciples to bear witness to the truth with mighty power. Should not this zeal fire our hearts with a longing to tell the story of redeeming love, of Christ and Him crucified? Should not the power of God be even more mightily revealed today than in the time of the apostles?—The Review and Herald, January 13, 1903.{YRP 316.4}[4]
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