11月19日 属灵的更新
A Spiritual Revolution, November 19
Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.Philippians 3:8.{YRP 332.1}[1]
道德的力量藉着基督赐给人类,将改变人的整个情感,使人乐意为上帝的圣工服务。以前全身心从事邪恶工作的人,因上帝的圣灵而发生了彻底的变化。圣灵启发、更新和洁净人心。众天使以莫可言喻的喜乐,关注着圣灵在人身上工作的效果。{YRP 332.1}[2]
Through Christ, moral power is brought to man that will change the entire affections, and enable man to work with a will for the cause of God. Where all the power of mind and body was before concentrated to work the works of evil, by the Spirit of God a revolution is brought about. The Holy Spirit enlightens, renews, and sanctifies the soul. Angels behold with inexpressible rapture the results of the working of the Holy Spirit in man.{YRP 332.2}[2]
藉着基督优美动人的启示,藉着认识到我们还作罪人的时候向我们所显示的爱,我们刚硬的心就会软化而顺服,而罪人也得以改变成为上帝的儿女。上帝以爱为媒介,把罪恶从人心中驱逐出去,藉此把骄傲变为谦卑,把仇恨和疑惑变为爱心与信心。祂不采用强迫的手段。耶稣正向人心显示。人如果凭着信心仰望上帝的羔羊,就能存活。……{YRP 332.2}[3]
By the revelation of the attractive loveliness of Christ, by the knowledge of His love expressed to us while we were yet sinners, the stubborn heart is melted and subdued, and the sinner is transformed and becomes a child of God. Love is the agency which God uses to expel sin from the human soul. By it He changes pride into humility, enmity and unbelief into love and faith. He does not employ compulsory measures; Jesus is revealed to the soul, and if man will look in faith to the Lamb of God, he will live....{YRP 332.3}[3]
基督向人显示,是要让他们获得祂的性情和完美。榜样既是十全十美,当人效法基督的形像时,就会在祂里面成为完全;因为离了基督,人心中绝没有公义。{YRP 332.3}[4]
Christ is presented to men that they may catch His temper, His perfection; and as the model is complete and perfect in every part, so, as man is conformed to the image of Christ, he is made complete in Him; for aside from Christ there never can be righteousness in the human heart.{YRP 332.4}[4]
当圣灵从天上倾降时,教会就会充满荣光;这光就是基督。教会要充满喜乐;基督就是喜乐的泉源。当圣灵今天沛降在祂子民身上的时候,基督的名要被每一张嘴提说,祂的爱将充满每一颗心;而当人心信奉耶稣时,也会信奉上帝;因为上帝的一切丰盛,都居住在基督里面。当基督公义的光辉照耀人心时,欢乐、赞美与荣耀就会交织在他的经验之中。(ST.1890.6.9){YRP 332.4}[5]
When the Spirit was poured out from on high, the church was flooded with light, but Christ was that Light; the church was filled with joy, but Christ was the subject of that joy. When the Spirit is poured upon His people in this day, Christ’s name will be upon every tongue, His love will fill every soul; and when the heart embraces Jesus, it will embrace God; for all the fullness of God dwells in Christ. When the beams of Christ’s righteousness shine upon the soul, joy, adoration, and glory will be woven with the experience.—The Signs of the Times, June 9, 1890.{YRP 332.5}[5]
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