12月8日 祷告带来力量
Prayer Brings Strength, December 8
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.1 John 5:4.{YRP 351.1}[1]
当我们的中保耶稣在天上为我们代求时,圣灵就在我们的心中做工作,使我们立志行事都遵行祂的美意。全天庭都关怀着人类的得救。所以我们还有什么理由怀疑主不会或不愿意帮助我们呢?我们教导别人的人自己必须保持与上帝的密切联系。我们应当在精神和言语上成为人的泉源,因为基督已经在我们心中成为活水的泉源,直涌到永生。忧伤与痛苦可能考验着我们的忍耐和信心;但那看不见之主的荣光却与我们同在。我们必须把自己藏在耶稣后面。{YRP 351.1}[2]
While Jesus, our Intercessor, pleads for us in heaven, the Holy Spirit works in us, to will and to do of His good pleasure. All heaven is interested in the salvation of the soul. Then what reason have we to doubt that the Lord will and does help us? We who teach the people must ourselves have a vital connection with God. In Spirit and Word we should be to the people as a wellspring, because Christ is in us a well of water springing up unto everlasting life. Sorrow and pain may test our patience and our faith; but the brightness of the presence of the Unseen is with us, and we must hide self behind Jesus.{YRP 351.2}[2]
要勇敢地向教会宣讲,鼓励他们向上帝祈祷。要告诉他们:当他们觉得自己犯了罪,不能祷告时,正是他们需要祷告的时候。许多人因失败而自卑,因为他们没有制服仇敌,反而为仇敌所胜。俗念、自私和情欲削弱了他们,因此他们以为亲近上帝是没用的,但这种想法却是仇敌的暗示之一。他们可能深感惭愧和自卑;但他们必须祷告和相信。他们若认自己罪,上帝是信实的,是公义的,必赦免他们的罪,洗净他们一切的不义(见约壹1:9)。你在祷告时虽然可能走神,但不要灰心,只管重新回到宝座之前,不可离开施恩座,直到你取得胜利。{YRP 351.2}[3]
Talk courage to the church; lift them up to God in prayer. Tell them that when they feel that they have sinned, and cannot pray, it is then the time to pray. Many feel humiliated at their failures, that they have been overcome by the enemy in the place of overcoming. Worldliness, selfishness, and carnality have weakened them, and they think it is no use to approach unto God; but this thought is one of the enemy’s suggestions. Ashamed they may be, and deeply humbled; but they must pray and believe. As they confess their sins, He who is faithful and just will forgive them their sins, and cleanse them from all unrighteousness (see?1 John 1:9). Though the mind may wander in prayer, be not discouraged, bring it back to the throne, and do not leave the mercy seat until you have the victory.{YRP 351.3}[3]
你是否以为胜利是强烈感情的见证?不,“使我们胜了世界的,就是我们的信心”(约壹5:4)。主知道你的心愿;要凭着信心亲近祂,期盼领受圣灵。{YRP 351.3}[4]
Are you to think your victory will be testified by strong emotion? No; “this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). The Lord knows your desire; by faith keep close to Him, and expect to receive the Holy Spirit.{YRP 351.4}[4]
圣灵的工作是管理我们的一切属灵活动。天父将祂的爱子赐给我们。通过圣子,圣灵就会降临在我们的身上,把我们带到父那里。藉着神圣的媒介,我们有了祈求的精神,我们便能向上帝恳求,犹如人向他的朋友请求一般。(ST.1892.10.3){YRP 351.4}[5]
The office of the Holy Spirit is to control all our spiritual exercises. The Father has given His Son for us that through the Son the Holy Spirit might come to us, and lead us unto the Father. Through divine agency, we have the spirit of intercession, whereby we may plead with God, as a man pleadeth with his friend.—The Signs of the Times, October 3, 1892.{YRP 351.5}[5]
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