12月7日 不是用自己的方法
Not in “My Own Way,” December 7, December 7
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.Romans 8:15.{YRP 350.1}[1]
成圣的工作是从内心开始的。我们必须与上帝建立一种关系,让耶稣把祂神圣楷模放在我们身上。我们必须掏空自己,给耶稣留出空间。然而有多少人的心塞满了偶像,没有留空间给救赎主啊!世界囚禁了世人的心。他们的思想感情都集中在事业、地位和家庭上。他们坚持自己的意见和方法,把它们奉为心中的偶像。但我们不能侍奉自己,坚持自己的方法和观念,排斥上帝的真理。{YRP 350.1}[2]
The work of sanctification begins in the heart, and we must come into such a relation with God, that Jesus can put His divine mold upon us. We must be emptied of self in order to give room to Jesus, but how many have their hearts so filled with idols that they have no room for the Redeemer of the world. The world holds the hearts of men in captivity. They center their thoughts and affections upon their business, their position, their family. They hold to their opinions and ways, and cherish them as idols in the soul; but we cannot afford to yield ourselves to the service of self, holding to our own ways and ideas, and excluding the truth of God.{YRP 350.2}[2]
我们必须倒空自己。但这不是唯一的要求。当我们抛弃自己的偶像时,必须对空间进行填补。如果让心灵荒芜,空间没有填补,那就好比房子“里面空闲,打扫干净,修饰好了”(太12:44),却没有客人来居住。邪灵便去另带了七个比自己更恶的鬼来,都进去住在那里,那人末后的景况比先前更不好了。……{YRP 350.2}[3]
We must be emptied of self. But this is not all that is required; for when we have renounced our idols, the vacuum must be supplied. If the heart is left desolate, and the vacuum not supplied, it will be in the condition of him whose house was “empty, swept, and garnished” (Matthew 12:44), but without a guest to occupy it. The evil spirit took unto himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they entered in and dwelt there; and the last state of that man was worse than the first....{YRP 350.3}[3]
你可能自以为得不到上天的悦纳。你也许会说:“我生来就有罪恶的倾向,我无法克服。”但我们的天父已作了充分的准备,你能借以克服一切不圣洁的倾向。你要得胜,象基督为你得了胜一样。祂说:“得胜的,我要赐他在我宝座上与我同坐,就如我得了胜,在我父的宝座上与祂同坐一般”(启3:21)。罪恶危害了人类的家庭;但在人受造之前,就已经作好准备。万一人类经不起考验,耶稣就成为他的祭牲和中保,让人可以藉着信祂而与上帝和好。因为基督是“从创世以来被杀之羔羊”(启13:8)。基督死在髑髅地,为使人获得力量克服犯罪的本性。{YRP 350.3}[4]
You may feel that you cannot meet the approval of heaven. You may say, “I was born with a natural tendency toward this evil, and I cannot overcome.” But every provision has been made by our heavenly Father whereby you may be able to overcome every unholy tendency. You are to overcome even as Christ overcame in your behalf. He says, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne” (Revelation 3:21). It was sin that imperiled the human family; and before man was created the provision was made that if man failed to bear the test, Jesus would become his sacrifice and surety, that through faith in Him, man might be reconciled to God, for Christ was the Lamb “slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Christ died on Calvary that man might have power to overcome his natural tendencies to sin.{YRP 350.4}[4]
但是有人说:“我难道不能以自己的方式独立行动吗?”不能,你不能我行我素而进入天国。“偏行己道”的人不能在那里。没有人可以凭“己道”进入天国。我们的“道”必须消失在上帝的“道”中。(RH.1892.2.23){YRP 350.4}[5]
But one says, “Can I not have my own way, and act myself?” No, you cannot have your way, and enter the kingdom of heaven. No “my way” will be there. No human ways will find place in the kingdom of heaven. Our ways must be lost in God’s ways.—The Review and Herald, February 23, 1892.{YRP 350.5}[5]
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