12月18日 吃生命树的果子
Eating of the Tree of Life, December 18
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.Revelation 2:7.{YRP 361.1}[1]
这个信息涉及我们所有的教会。你对听觉的最好运用,莫过于倾听上帝在圣经里对你说话的声音。有丰盛的应许赐给得胜的人。我们不单要参战,而且要斗争到底。我们决不可屈服,却要凭着信心打那美好的仗,直到最后。得胜的蒙应许凯旋而归。“得胜的,我必将上帝乐园中生命树的果子赐给他吃。”亚当在堕落时所丧失的,救赎的工作必予以加倍恢复。坐宝座的主说:“看哪,我将一切都更新了”(启21:5)!{YRP 361.1}[2]
This message concerns all our churches. You can never employ your faculty of hearing better than in hearkening to hear what the voice of God speaks to you in His Word. There is a rich and abundant promise to those who overcome. It is not enough to enter upon this warfare, we must pursue it to the end. We must know nothing of yielding. We must fight the good fight of faith to the very end. To the overcomer is promised the triumphal victory. “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” Whatever was lost in the fall of Adam is more than restored in redemption. He that sitteth on the throne saith, “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5).{YRP 361.2}[2]
我们要严格地省察自己。我们有没有违背受洗时所立的誓约呢?我们有没有向世界死,向基督活呢?基督坐在上帝的右边,我们有没有寻求属天的事物呢?抛在万古磐石上的缆索有没有被切断了呢?我们有没有随波逐流,以致沦亡呢?我们有没有不努力逆流而上呢?我们不要再犹豫,而要勇敢地划动船桨。我们与其绝望沉沦,不如行我们起初所行的事(启2:5)。{YRP 361.2}[3]
Let us look closely and critically to ourselves. Are not the vows we entered into at our baptism violated? Are we dead to the world and alive unto Christ? Are we seeking those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God? Is the cable cut which anchored us to the eternal Rock? Are we drifting with the current to perdition? Shall we make no effort to press and urge our passage upstream? Let us not hesitate longer, but vigorously apply the oars; and let us do our first works ere we make hopeless shipwreck.{YRP 361.3}[3]
我们需要了解是什么失败和罪恶造成我们灵性的黑暗和软弱,熄灭我们起初的爱心。我们是否俗念深重?是否自私?是否自高自大?是否凡事想争先?是否有强烈的淫欲?是否犯尼哥拉一党的罪,利用上帝的恩典放纵情欲?是否误用和滥用伟大的真光、机会和特权,自夸拥有智慧和宗教知识,却在生活和品行上自相矛盾和违犯道德?不论你姑息和培育什么欲望,以致强烈得无法挣脱,都要作出坚决的努力予以克服,否则你就会沦亡。(RH.1887.6.7){YRP 361.3}[4]
It is our work to know our special failings and sins, which cause darkness and spiritual feebleness, and quenched our first love. Is it worldliness? Is it selfishness? Is it the love of self-esteem? Is it striving to be first Is it the sin of sensuality that is intensely active? Is it the sin of the Nicolaitans, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness? Is it the misuse and abuse of great light and opportunities and privileges, making boasted claims to wisdom and religious knowledge, while the life and character are inconsistent and immoral? Whatever it is that has been petted and cultivated until it has become strong and overmastering, make determined efforts to overcome, else you will be lost.—The Review and Herald, June 7, 1887.{YRP 361.4}[4]
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