2月15日 克服坏脾气
Temper Is Subdued, February 15
Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.James 3:13.{YRP 54.1}[1]
基督学校里的温柔是圣灵显著的果子之一,是使人成圣的圣灵所成就的一种美德,能让拥有的人始终控制急躁冲动的脾气。生性孤僻或急躁的人,若能珍视谦卑的美德,就会以最诚挚的努力,克服他们不快乐的性情。他们就会天天实施自制,直到克服不可爱和不象耶稣的脾气。他们变得与神圣的榜样相象,以致能顺从出于灵感的吩咐:“要快快地听,慢慢地说,慢慢地动怒”(雅1:19)。{YRP 54.1}[2]
Meekness in the school of Christ is one of the marked fruits of the Spirit. It is a grace wrought by the Holy Spirit as a sanctifier, and enables its possessor at all times to control a rash and impetuous temper. When the grace of meekness is cherished by those who are naturally sour or hasty in disposition, they will put forth the most earnest efforts to subdue their unhappy temper. Every day they will gain self-control, until that which is unlovely and unlike Jesus is conquered. They become assimilated to the divine Pattern, until they can obey the inspired injunction, “Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19).{YRP 54.2}[2]
人如果自称已经成圣了,却在言语和行为上象涌出苦水的不洁泉源,我们就可以放心地说:他受了欺骗。他需要学习基督徒人生最基本的功课。有些自称为基督仆人的人长期抱着冷漠的恶习,似乎喜欢不圣洁的成分,爱说令人难堪和烦恼的话。这些人必须悔改,基督才能承认他们为衪的儿女。{YRP 54.2}[3]
When a man professes to be sanctified, and yet in words and works may be represented by the impure fountain sending forth its bitter waters, we may safely say, that man is deceived. He needs to learn the very alphabet of what constitutes the life of a Christian. Some who profess to be servants to Christ have so long cherished the demon of unkindness that they seem to love the unhallowed element, and to take pleasure in speaking words that displease and irritate. These men must be converted, before Christ will acknowledge them as His children.{YRP 54.3}[3]
温柔是上帝所视为极有价值的内在妆饰。使徒说它比金子、珍珠或昂贵的服装更好,更有价值。外表的妆饰只能美化必死的身躯,而温柔的妆饰却会美化心灵,把有限的人与无限的上帝连在一起。这是上帝亲自选择的妆饰。那位以发光体装饰穹苍的主,藉着同一位圣灵应许说,祂要“用救恩当作谦卑人的妆饰”(诗149:4)。天上的使者必将那些披戴主耶稣基督,存谦卑温柔的心与衪同行的人,登记为妆饰最美丽的人。(RH.1881.1.18){YRP 54.3}[4]
Meekness is the inward adorning, which God estimates as of great price. The apostle speaks of this as more excellent and valuable than gold, or pearls, or costly array. While the outward adorning beautifies only the mortal body, the ornament of meekness adorns the soul, and connects finite man with the infinite God. This is the ornament of God’s own choice. He who garnished the heavens with the orbs of light has by the same Spirit promised that He will “beautify the meek with salvation” (Psalm 149:4). Angels of heaven will register as best adorned, those who put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and walk with Him in meekness and lowliness of mind.—The Review and Herald, January 18, 1881.{YRP 54.4}[4]
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