2月23日 在祂里面得安息
Resting in Him, February 23
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.Matthew 11:29.{YRP 62.1}[1]
你一直在以柔和谦卑的心行走的时候,一项工作就在为你进行着,这项工作惟有上帝才能做;因为是上帝在你里面运行,使你立志行事为要成就祂的美意。而祂的美意就是要让你住在基督里面,在祂的爱里得安息。你不可让任何事夺去你心灵的平安、宁静和你现在就蒙悦纳的保证。要支取每一项应许;你只要遵守主所指定的条件,所有的应许就都是你的。完全放弃你看似很聪明的方法,并采取基督的方法,乃是在祂的爱里完全安息的秘诀。{YRP 62.1}[2]
While you have been walking in meekness and lowliness of heart, a work has been going on for you, a work which only God could do; for it is God that worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. And that good pleasure is to have you abide in Christ, rest in His love. You must not let anything rob your soul of peace, of restfulness, of the assurance that you are accepted just now. Appropriate every promise; all are yours on condition of your complying with the Lord’s prescribed terms. Entire surrender of your ways, which seem so very wise, and taking Christ’s ways, is the secret of perfect rest in His love.{YRP 62.2}[2]
把自己的生命交给祂,其意义超乎我们所想。我们必须先学习祂的柔和谦卑,之后才会体验到“你们心里就必得享安息”(太11:29)这个应许的实现。藉着学习基督的各种习惯、祂的柔和、祂的谦卑,自我才得以改变——藉着负基督的轭,然后服从学习。人人都有很多东西要学习。人人都须来受耶稣基督的训练。当他们跌在基督身上时,他们自己遗传和养成的品格特性才被除去,视为阻碍他们与上帝的性情有分的障碍。当自我死去时,基督才住在人里面。他住在基督里面,基督也住在他里面。{YRP 62.2}[3]
Giving up one’s life to Him means much more than we suppose. We must learn His meekness and lowliness before we realize the fulfillment of the promise “Ye shall find rest unto your souls.” It is by learning the habits of Christ, His meekness, His lowliness, that self becomes transformed—by taking Christ’s yoke upon you and then submitting to learn. There is no one who has not much to learn. All must come under training by Jesus Christ. When they fall upon Christ, their own hereditary and cultivated traits of character are taken away as hindrances to their being partakers of the divine nature. When self dies, then Christ lives in the human agent. He abides in Christ, and Christ lives in him.{YRP 62.3}[3]
基督希望人人都成为祂的学生。祂说,要将你们自己交给我训练;将你们的心灵交给我。我不会灭绝你,而要为你造就一种会使你从低年级升到高级学府的品格。要将一切都交给我。要让我的生命、我的耐心、我的恒久忍耐、我的自制、我的柔和、我的谦卑造就在你的品格上,如同居住在我里面一样。……于是你所得到的应许就不只是“我要赐给,”而且是“你们心里就必得享安息”(太11:29)。(BTS.1903.8.1){YRP 62.3}[4]
Christ desires all to become His students. He says, Yield yourselves to My training; submit your souls unto Me. I will not extinguish you, but will work out for you such a character that you shall be transferred from the lower school to the higher grade. Submit all things to Me. Let My life, My patience, My longsuffering, My forbearance, My meekness, My lowliness, be worked out in your character, as one that abides in Me.... Then you have the promise not only “I will give,” but “Ye shall find rest unto your souls.”—Bible Training School, August 1, 1903.{YRP 62.4}[4]
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