2月22日 在祂里面得了丰盛
Complete in Him, February 22
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.Colossians 2:10.{YRP 61.1}[1]
你不能带着任何品格的缺陷或瑕疵进入天国,你必须在受试验的今生现在就获得进入天国的资格。你若愿在基督来的时候进入义人的居所,就必须深受圣灵的感动,以便获得个人的经验,在祂里面得以完全,上帝神性一切的丰盛都有形有体地住在祂里面。藉着基督之义的能力,我们要离开一切罪孽。心灵必须与它的救赎主有活泼的联络。人和他的上帝之间交通的管道必须不断开通着,以便人在恩典和认识主的知识上长进。{YRP 61.1}[2]
You cannot enter heaven with any deformity or imperfection of character, and you must be fitted for heaven now in this probationary life. If you would enter the abode of the righteous when Christ shall come, you must have the deep movings of the Spirit of God, that you may have an individual experience, and be complete in Him who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Through the power of the righteousness of Christ, we are to depart from all iniquity. There must be a living connection of the soul with its Redeemer. The channel of communication must be open continually between man and his God, that the soul may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord.{YRP 61.2}[2]
然而却有多少人并不祷告啊。他们觉得自己因犯罪而被定罪,自以为不可来到上帝面前,直到自己做了某件配得祂恩宠的事或直到上帝忘了他们的过犯。他们说:“我不能无忿怒、无疑惑,举起圣洁的手在上帝面前祷告,所以我不能来。”于是他们继续远离基督,这样就一直在犯罪,因为离了祂,你就只会行恶。{YRP 61.2}[3]
But how many do not pray. They feel under condemnation for sin, and they think they must not come to God until they have done something to merit His favor, or until God has forgotten about their transgressions. They say, “I cannot hold up holy hands before God without wrath or doubting, and therefore I cannot come.” So they remain away from Christ, and are committing sin all the time in so doing, for without Him you can do nothing but evil.{YRP 61.3}[3]
你一犯罪就应逃向施恩的宝座,将之全告诉耶稣。你应满心为罪忧伤,因为你已因罪削弱了自己的灵性,让天使担忧,并且伤了你亲爱救赎主的心。你既已本着痛悔的心求耶稣赦免,就要相信祂赦免了你。不要怀疑祂神圣的怜悯,也不要拒绝祂无限之爱的安慰。{YRP 61.3}[4]
Just as soon as you commit sin, you should flee to the throne of grace, and tell Jesus all about it. You should be filled with sorrow for sin, because through sin you have weakened your own spirituality, grieved the heavenly angels, and wounded and bruised the loving heart of your Redeemer. When you have asked Jesus in contrition of soul for His forgiveness, believe that He has forgiven you. Do not doubt His divine mercy, or refuse the comfort of His infinite love.{YRP 61.4}[4]
你的孩子若是不听从你,犯错伤害了你,而后以破碎的心前来请求你原谅,你知道你会怎么做。你知道你会多急切地拉你的孩子到你怀里,向他保证你的爱没有改变,他的过犯已得赦免。你比你仁慈的天父更慈悲吗?祂如此爱世人,“甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生”(约3:16)。你应来到上帝面前,就象孩童到他们父母亲面前一般。(BE.1892.2.1){YRP 61.4}[5]
If your child had disobeyed you, and committed wrong against you, and that child should come with a breaking heart to ask forgiveness, you know what you would do. You know how quickly you would draw your child to your heart, and assure him that your love was unchanged, and his transgressions forgiven. Are you more merciful than your merciful heavenly Father, who so loved the world that He “gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”? (John 3:16). You should go to God as children go to their parents.—The Bible Echo, February 1, 1892.{YRP 61.5}[5]
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