2月26日 从罪的咒诅中得释放
Free From the Curse of Sin, February 26
But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.Romans 6:22.{YRP 65.1}[1]
上帝希望祂的子民有坚固的信心,充分了解为他们所丰富预备的伟大救恩。他们不要只巴望着未来,以为有朝一日会为他们成就一番大工;因为这项工作是现在完成的。信徒并非蒙召自己去与上帝和好。他不可能也做不到这一点。他必须接受基督为他的平安,因为有了基督就有了上帝和平安。基督止息了罪恶。祂在十字架上以自己的身体承受罪的沉重咒诅,使凡相信祂为个人救主的人能脱离罪的咒诅。祂结束罪在人心中辖制的权势。信徒的生命和品格要见证基督恩典的真正性质。{YRP 65.1}[2]
The Lord would have His people sound in the faith—not ignorant of the great salvation so abundantly provided for them. They are not to look forward, thinking that at some future time a great work is to be done for them; for the work is now complete. The believer is not called upon to make his peace with God; he never has nor ever can do this. He is to accept Christ as his peace, for with Christ is God and peace. Christ made an end of sin, bearing its heavy curse in His own body on the tree, and He hath taken away the curse from all those who believe in Him as a personal Saviour. He makes an end of the controlling power of sin in the heart, and the life and character of the believer testify to the genuine character of the grace of Christ.{YRP 65.2}[2]
耶稣赐下圣灵给那些求告祂的人;因为每一个信徒不仅要得救脱离律法的咒诅和定罪,也要脱离污秽。藉着圣灵的工作和真理的圣化,信徒有了进入天庭的资格,因为基督在我们里面作工,祂的义在我们身上。否则没有人可以进入天国。我们若不藉着圣灵的感化和基督的义适应天国的圣洁气氛,就不能享受天国的快乐。{YRP 65.2}[3]
To those that ask Him, Jesus imparts the Holy Spirit; for it is necessary that every believer should be delivered from pollution, as well as from the curse and condemnation of the law. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the sanctification of the truth, the believer becomes fitted for the courts of heaven; for Christ works within us, and His righteousness is upon us. Without this no soul will be entitled to heaven. We would not enjoy heaven unless qualified for its holy atmosphere by the influence of the Spirit and the righteousness of Christ.{YRP 65.3}[3]
为了进入天国,我们必须满足律法的要求:“你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的上帝;又要爱邻舍如同自己”(路10:27)。我们惟有凭着信心握住基督的公义,才能做到这一点。藉着仰望耶稣,我们的心领受了一个不断发展的活原则。圣灵继续这项工作,信徒就荣上加荣、力上加力、德上加德。他效法基督的形像,直到他在属灵的成长上满有基督耶稣长成的身量。基督就这样结束了罪的咒诅,使相信的人摆脱罪的影响和后果。(1SM 394,395){YRP 65.3}[4]
In order to be candidates for heaven we must meet the requirement of the law: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself” (Luke 10:27). We can do this only as we grasp by faith the righteousness of Christ. By beholding Jesus we receive a living, expanding principle in the heart, and the Holy Spirit carries on the work, and the believer advances from grace to grace, from strength to strength, from character to character. He conforms to the image of Christ, until in spiritual growth he attains unto the measure of the full stature in Christ Jesus. Thus Christ makes an end of the curse of sin, and sets the believing soul free from its action and effect.—Selected Messages 1:394, 395.{YRP 65.4}[4]
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