3月12日 自制
Self-control, March 12
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.Daniel 1:8.{YRP 80.1}[1]
这里所提供的教训值得我们深思。严格顺从圣经的要求,会给身体和心灵带来福惠。圣灵的果子不仅有仁爱,喜乐,和平,还有节制。上帝吩咐我们不可玷污自己的身体;因为身体是圣灵的殿。{YRP 80.1}[2]
The lesson here presented is one that we would do well to ponder. A strict compliance with the Bible requirements will be a blessing both to body and soul. The fruit of the Spirit is not only love, joy, and peace, but temperance also. We are enjoined not to defile our bodies; for they are the temples of the Holy Spirit.{YRP 80.2}[2]
那些希伯来俘虏是与我们一样性情的人。他们在巴比伦宫廷的奢侈影响中坚定屹立。今日的青年被纵欲的种种诱惑所包围。尤其是在我们的大城市里,形形色色满足情欲的娱乐随处可见,诱惑视听。凡象但以理一样拒不玷污自己的人,必要获得节制习惯的报偿。他们既有更旺盛的精力和健壮的耐力,就象在银行存了款那样以备急用。{YRP 80.2}[3]
The Hebrew captives were men of like passions with ourselves. Amid the seductive influences of the luxurious courts of Babylon, they stood firm. The youth of today are surrounded with allurements to self-indulgence. Especially in our large cities, every form of sensual gratification is made easy and inviting. Those who, like Daniel, refuse to defile themselves will reap the reward of temperate habits. With their greater physical stamina and increased power of endurance, they have a bank of deposit upon which to draw in case of emergency.{YRP 80.3}[3]
正确的生活习惯会大大增进人的智力。智力、体力和寿命都有赖于不变的定律。大自然的上帝决不出面干预,保护人免受违犯自然律法的后果。凡较力争胜的,必须在凡事上节制。但以理清醒的头脑,坚强的意志,以及他获取知识和抗拒试探的能力,在很大的程度上有赖于他简单的饮食和祈祷的生活。……{YRP 80.3}[4]
Right physical habits promote mental superiority. Intellectual power, physical stamina, and length of life depend upon immutable laws. Nature’s God will not interfere to preserve men from the consequences of violating nature’s requirements. He who strives for the mastery must be temperate in all things. Daniel’s clearness of mind and firmness of purpose, his power in acquiring knowledge and in resisting temptation, were due in a great degree to the plainness of his diet, in connection with his life of prayer....{YRP 80.4}[4]
但以理和他年幼同伴的历史记录在圣经里,是为了一切后世青年的益处。上帝藉着他们忠于节制原则的记录,向现代的男女青年说话,吩咐他们收集祂所赐有关基督化节制的宝贵亮光,遵从健康的定律。(YI.1903.7.9){YRP 80.4}[5]
The history of Daniel and his youthful companions has been recorded on the pages of the Inspired Word, for the benefit of the youth of all succeeding ages. Through the record of their fidelity to the principles of temperance, God is speaking today to young men and young women, bidding them gather up the precious rays of light He has given on the subject of Christian temperance, and place themselves in right relation to the laws of health.—The Youth’s Instructor, July 9, 1903.{YRP 80.5}[5]
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