3月22日 行善
Benevolence, March 22
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.2 Corinthians 9:7, 8.{YRP 90.1}[1]
上帝的灵临格软化人心之时,人就容易受圣灵的感动,立志为上帝的圣工克己牺牲。在上帝的亮光非常清明有力地射进人的心房之时,人生来的性情就要被克服,自私在心中无力;并且激起热切的愿望,想要实行克己和慈善,来效法那模范,就是耶稣基督。这样,生性自私的人,就要爱惜可怜迷失的罪人;且向上帝立下庄严的约,象亚伯拉罕及雅各所行的一样。{YRP 90.1}[2]
When the hearts of men are softened by the presence of the Spirit of God, they are more susceptible to impressions of the Holy Spirit, and resolves are made to deny self and to sacrifice for the cause of God. It is when divine light shines into the chambers of the mind with unusual clearness and power that the feelings of the natural man are overcome, that selfishness loses its power upon the heart, and that desires are awakened to imitate the Pattern, Jesus Christ, in practicing self-denial and benevolence. The disposition of the naturally selfish man then becomes kind and pitiful toward lost sinners, and he makes a solemn pledge to God, as did Abraham and Jacob.{YRP 90.2}[2]
在这种场合中,天上的使者也在场。爱上帝和爱人的心胜过了自私自利和贪爱世界的心。这种情形在主讲的人有圣灵和上帝权能同在,提出天上大君在十字架的牺牲上所奠立的救赎计划时,尤为显然。……{YRP 90.2}[3]
Heavenly angels are present on such occasions. The love of God and love for souls triumphs over selfishness and love of the world. Especially is this the case when the speaker, in the Spirit and power of God, presents the plan of redemption, laid by the Majesty of heaven in the sacrifice of the cross....{YRP 90.3}[3]
上帝已赐给人一份工作来拯救他的同胞。他可以藉着仁慈良善的行为而与基督同工。但是他无法救赎他们,不能满足受到破坏之公义的要求。只有上帝的儿子能够做到这一点。祂撇下了自己的尊贵和荣耀,在神性上披上人性,来到这个世界为人类降卑流血。{YRP 90.3}[4]
God has given man a part to act in accomplishing the salvation of His fellow men. He can work in connection with Christ by doing acts of mercy and beneficence. But he cannot redeem them, not being able to satisfy the claims of insulted justice. This the Son of God alone can do, by laying aside His honor and glory, clothing His divinity with humanity, and coming to earth to humiliate Himself and shed His blood in behalf of the human race.{YRP 90.4}[4]
基督委派门徒“往普天下去,传福音给万民听”(可16:15),就是把传福音的工作交给了人。一些人要出来传道。祂又呼召其他的人满足祂对他们奉献十分之一和其他捐献的要求,以支持传道工作,把真理书刊传到全地。(4T.470-472){YRP 90.4}[5]
In commissioning His disciples to go “into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), Christ assigned to men the work of spreading the gospel. But while some go forth to preach, He calls upon others to answer to His claims upon them for tithes and offerings with which to support the ministry and to spread the printed truth all over the land.—Testimonies for the Church 4:470-472.{YRP 90.5}[5]
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