3月26日 勇敢
Confidence, March 26
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.Hebrews 10:35.{YRP 94.1}[1]
约翰说:“我们若照祂的旨意求什么,祂就听我们,这是我们向祂所存坦然无惧的心。既然知道祂听我们一切所求的,就知道我们所求于祂的,无不得着”(约壹5:14,15)。让我们在众人面前深思细量这些重点吧,使他们的思想得以扩大,信心得以增长。他们应受鼓励去祈求更多,并且毫无怀疑地期望祂丰盛的恩典;因为借着耶稣,我们可以来到觐见至高者的殿堂。借着祂的功劳,通过同一个圣灵,我们可以来到天父面前。{YRP 94.1}[2]
John says, “This is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him” (1 John 5:14, 15). Let us dwell much upon these points before the people, that their ideas may be enlarged, their faith increased. They should be encouraged to ask largely, and expect without a doubt the riches of His grace; for through Jesus we can come into the audience chamber of the Most High. Through His merits we have access by one Spirit unto the Father.{YRP 94.2}[2]
甚愿我们在祷告上有更深切的经验!我们既知道何为拥有祂圣灵的临格和大能,就可以坦然无惧地来到上帝面前。我们可以认罪,并在祈求时就知道祂赦免我们的过犯,因为祂已应许要赦免。我们必须运用信心,并且显出真实的热诚和谦卑。但若没有圣灵的恩典,我们就绝对做不到这样。我们必须俯伏在在耶稣脚前,不怀存一点自私,不显出一丝自高,而是本着单纯寻求主,祈求祂的圣灵,象小孩子向父母求饼一样。{YRP 94.2}[3]
Oh, that we may have a deeper experience in prayer! With confidence we may come to God, knowing what it is to have the presence and power of His Holy Spirit. We may confess our sins, and right there, while asking, know that He pardons our transgressions, because He has promised to forgive. We must exercise faith, and manifest true earnestness and humility. We can never do this without the grace of the Holy Spirit. We must lie low at the feet of Jesus, and cherish no selfishness, reveal no self-uplifting, but in simplicity seek the Lord, asking for His Holy Spirit as a little child asks bread of his parents.{YRP 94.3}[3]
我们应当尽自己的本分,接受基督为我们个人的救主,并且站在髑髅地的十字架下,“仰望得生”。上帝为祂自己将祂的儿女分别出来。而他们既与祂联络,就因上帝而有能力,并且得胜。我们靠自己做不了什么;但藉着祂圣灵的恩典,就蒙赐予亮光和生命,心灵充满了对上帝的渴望,切愿圣洁。于是那位基督就把我们领到施恩的宝座前,给我们披上祂的义;因为天上的主上帝爱我们。我们会故意盲目顽梗,怀疑祂对我们的心意。然而我们的代求者耶稣却在天上为我们恳求,圣灵亦在我们心中运行,使我们立志行事为要成就祂的美意。全天庭都关心生灵的得救。那么我们又有什么理由怀疑主愿意而且确实帮助我们呢?(ST.1892.10.3){YRP 94.3}[4]
We should act our part, take Christ as our personal Saviour, and, standing under the cross of Calvary, “Look and live.” God sets His children apart for Himself. And as they connect themselves with Him, they have power with God, and prevail. Of ourselves we can do nothing; but through the grace of His Holy Spirit, life and light are imparted, and the soul is filled with longing, earnest desire for God, for holiness. Then it is that Christ leads us to the throne of grace, and clothes us with His righteousness; for the Lord God of heaven loves us. We would be willfully blind and stubborn to doubt that His heart is toward us. While Jesus, our Intercessor, pleads for us in heaven, the Holy Spirit works in us, to will and to do of His good pleasure. All heaven is interested in the salvation of the soul. Then what reason have we to doubt that the Lord will and does help us?—The Signs of the Times, October 3, 1892.{YRP 94.4}[4]
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