3月27日 敬虔
Godliness, March 27
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.Genesis 5:24.{YRP 95.1}[1]
敬虔是基督徒品格的果子,我们如果连结在那“葡萄树”上,就必结出圣灵的果子。“葡萄树”的生命要借着枝子显示出来。我们若具有敬虔的美德,就必与上天保持密切的联系。我们若反映耶稣的形像,证明我们是至高者的儿女,耶稣就必作我们家里的贵宾,我们家庭的一分子。{YRP 95.1}[2]
Godliness is the fruit of Christian character. If we abide in the Vine, we shall bear the fruits of the Spirit. The life of the Vine will manifest itself through the branches. We must have a close and intimate connection with heaven, if we bear the grace of godliness. Jesus must be a guest in our homes, a member of our households, if we reflect His image and show that we are sons and daughters of the Most High.{YRP 95.2}[2]
家中有信仰是一件美事。主若与我们同居,我们就会感受到自己是基督天家的一员。我们会意识到天使在观看着我们。我们的态度就会温柔和忍耐。藉着培养礼貌和敬虔,我们会有资格进入天庭。我们的谈吐会圣洁,我们的思想会专注于属天的事。{YRP 95.2}[3]
Religion is a beautiful thing in the home. If the Lord abides with us, we shall feel that we are members of Christ’s family in heaven. We shall realize that angels are watching us, and our manners will be gentle and forbearing. We shall be fitting up for an entrance into the courts of heaven, by cultivating courtesy and godliness. Our conversation will be holy, and our thoughts will be upon heavenly things.{YRP 95.3}[3]
以诺与上帝同行,在一切人生事务上尊荣祂。他在家里和工作中都问道:“这会蒙主悦纳吗?”他纪念上帝并顺从祂的引导,品格就发生了变化,成为敬虔的人,行事为人讨主喜悦。圣经劝勉我们有了虔敬,又要加上爱弟兄的心。我们是多么需要采取这一步,把这种素质加到我们的品格之中啊!在我们许多人的家中,显出一种生硬好斗的精神。批评的话语和不仁慈的行为都是得罪上帝的。专横的命令和高傲的态度对天国来说是无法接受的。兄弟之间存在如此多的分歧,是因为他们没有加上兄弟的爱。我们应该爱别人如同基督爱了我们一样。{YRP 95.3}[4]
Enoch walked with God. He honored God in every affair of life. In his home and in his business, he inquired, “Will this be acceptable to the Lord?” And by remembering God, and following His counsel, he was transformed in character, and became a godly man, whose ways pleased the Lord. We are exhorted to add to godliness brotherly kindness. Oh, how much we need to take this step, to add this quality to our characters! In many of our homes there is a hard, combative spirit manifested. Critical words and unkind actions are offensive to God. Dictatorial commands and haughty, overbearing manners are not acceptable to heaven. The reason there are so many differences existing between brethren is that they have failed to add brotherly kindness. We should have that love for others that Christ has had for us.{YRP 95.4}[4]
天国的主宰准确地估计了人的价值。他如果在地上的家庭中不仁慈,就不配进入天家。他如果自行其是,无论叫谁忧伤,到天国他也是不会满意的,除非让他在那里统管一切。基督的爱必须管辖我们的心。上帝的平安要住在我们的家中。(RH.1888.2.21){YRP 95.4}[5]
A man is estimated at his true value by the Lord of heaven. If he is unkind in his earthly home, he is unfit for the heavenly home. If he will have his own way, no matter whom it grieves, he would not be content in heaven, unless he could rule there. The love of Christ must control our hearts, and the peace of God will abide in our homes.—The Review and Herald, February 21, 1888.{YRP 95.5}[5]
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