4月6日 寻宝
Looking for Treasures, April 6
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.Matthew 13:44.{YRP 105.1}[1]
我们今日的教会已在很大程度上满足于启示的表面真理,这些真理十分浅显易懂,以致许多人以为这就足供一切所需了,并以接受它们为满足。但那在人心运行的圣灵却不愿让人安于懒惰。祂唤醒一种对未被错谬和假道败坏的真理的热切渴望。天上的真理必赏赐给殷勤寻求的人。那实在想知道何为真理的人,不会在懒惰中感到满足。{YRP 105.1}[2]
In our day the church has been to a great degree content with the surface truths of revelation, made so plain and easy to be understood that many have thought these supplied all that was essential, and in accepting them they have been content. But the Holy Spirit, working upon the mind, will not allow it to rest in indolence. It awakens an earnest desire for truth uncorrupted with error and false doctrines. Celestial truth will reward the diligent seeker. The mind that is really desirous to know what is truth cannot be content in indolence.{YRP 105.2}[2]
“天国好象宝贝藏在地里,人遇见了,就把它藏起来,欢欢喜喜地去变卖一切所有的,买这块地”(太13:44)。他买那块地,为的是可以工作,开垦那块地的每个地方,得着地里的珍宝。圣灵的职责是指导这种寻找并予以奖赏。寻找的人在挖掘那块地时,发现了宝贵的矿脉,他设法估计其价值,便将矿井打得更深,好得到更贵重的宝贝。这样,许多丰富的矿脉就被发现。地上的金矿区,比不上启示的矿区那样有交错的矿脉,让人看见基督之不可测的丰盛。{YRP 105.2}[3]
The kingdom of heaven is likened to treasure hid in a field, “the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” He buys it that he may work it, plow up every part of it, and take possession of its treasures. It is the Holy Spirit’s office to direct this search and to reward it. The searcher, while digging the field, finds leads of precious ore of which he seeks to estimate the value, and he sinks the shaft deeper, for still more valuable treasure. Thus many a rich lode is discovered. The gold fields of the earth are not so interlaced with veins of precious ore as is the field of revelation with leads that bring to view the unsearchable riches of Christ.{YRP 105.3}[3]
主希望每一个信祂的子民都在信心上富足;而这是圣灵在人心运行的结果。圣灵从内心向外作工,发展一种会蒙上帝嘉许的品格。基督所加添给祂门徒在信心的领域可以支取真理财宝的园地多么广大呀!我们若要更多明白祂的道,就需要有更大的信心。我们接受上帝光照最大的阻碍是不依靠圣灵的效能。(EGW'88. 1537, 1538){YRP 105.3}[4]
The Lord would have every one of His believing children rich in faith; and this is the fruit of the working of the Holy Spirit upon the heart. From the heart the Spirit works outward, developing a character that God will approve. What a vast field of the treasures of truth did Christ add to the domain of faith to be appropriated by His disciples! We need greater faith if we would have better knowledge of the Word. The greatest hindrance to our receiving the divine illumination is that we do not depend on the efficiency of the Holy Spirit.—The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 1537, 1538.{YRP 105.4}[4]
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