5月20日 促进基督化
Encourages Christlikeness, May 20
“人若说他住在主里面,就该自己照主所行的去行”(约壹2:6)。{AG 148.1}[1]
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.1 John 2:6.{AG 148.1}[1]
门徒所宣传的福音不是一种没有生气的理论,乃是一种改变人生的活力。上帝要一切领受祂恩典的人为祂恩典的能力作见证。……藉着上帝的恩典,人可以具有基督化的品格,而且可以因祂大爱的应许而喜乐。祂要祂的仆人为这一个事实作见证。祂也要我们向人说明,除非人类重新得到作祂儿女的神圣特权,祂是不能满意的。{DA 826}{AG 148.2}[2]
The gospel is to be presented, not as a lifeless theory, but as a living force to change the life. God desires that the receivers of His grace shall be witnesses to its power.... He would have His servants bear testimony to the fact that through His grace men may possess Christlikeness of character, and may rejoice in the assurance of His great love. He would have us bear testimony to the fact that He cannot be satisfied until the human race are reclaimed and reinstated in their holy privileges as His sons and daughters.61{AG 148.2}[2]
上帝的子民必须与世人分别,成为全心全意专一侍奉上帝的族类,不求自己的尊荣,并且要记住自己曾与上帝立了严肃的约,作上帝的仆人,单独侍奉衪。{9T 17.}{AG 148.3}[3]
God’s people are to be distinguished as a people who serve Him fully, wholeheartedly, taking no honor to themselves, and remembering that by a most solemn covenant they have bound themselves to serve the Lord and Him only.62{AG 148.3}[3]
上帝要求祂的儿女达到完全。祂的律法是祂自己品德的副本,也是一切品格的标准。这无限的标准已以明白无误的方式向众人呈现,使人知道上帝的国度是由什么样的人组成的。基督在地上的生活乃是上帝律法的完美表现。当自称为上帝儿女的人在品格上变成基督的样式时,他们必顺从上帝的诫命。这样,主就接纳他们为天上家庭的成员。他们既披上基督灿烂的义袍,就能出席国王的筵会,有权加入被宝血所洗净的群众之中。{COL 315}{AG 148.4}[4]
God requires perfection of His children. His law is a transcript of His own character, and it is the standard of all character. This infinite standard is presented to all that there may be no mistake in regard to the kind of people whom God will have to compose His kingdom. The life of Christ on earth was a perfect expression of God’s law, and when those who claim to be children of God become Christlike in character, they will be obedient to God’s commandments. Then the Lord can trust them to be of the number who shall compose the family of heaven. Clothed in the glorious apparel of Christ’s righteousness, they have a place at the King’s feast. They have a right to join the blood-washed throng.63{AG 148.4}[4]
我们当根据基督的榜样去观察每件事。祂乃是真理。祂乃是那真光,照亮一切生在世上的人。当倾听祂的话语,效法祂舍己和自我牺牲的榜样,并依仗基督的功劳,盼望祂品格的荣耀赐给你。那些跟从基督的人活着不是求自己的喜悦。人间的标准犹如微弱的芦苇。主的标准乃是完全的品格。{TM 419.}{AG 148.5}[5]
Everything must be viewed in the light of the example of Christ. He is the truth. He is the true Light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. Listen to His words, copy His example in self-denial and self-sacrifice, and look to the merits of Christ for the glory in character which He possesses to be bestowed on you. Those who follow Christ live not to please themselves. Human standards are like feeble reeds. The Lord’s standard is perfection of character.64{AG 148.5}[5]
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