5月19日 需要纯洁
Demands Purity, May 19
“上帝召我们,本不是要我们沾染污秽,乃是要我们成为圣洁”(帖前4:7)。{AG 147.1}[1]
For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.1 Thessalonians 4:7.{AG 147.1}[1]
生命是上帝的恩赐。祂赐给我们身体是要我们为祂服务。祂希望我们照顾和赏识我们的身体。我们既有体力又有智力。我们的欲念和情感在身体中有它们的位置,所以我们必须不可做什么来玷污这受托的财产。必须保持我们的身体处于最佳状态,并且处在最属灵的影响之下,以便我们充分利用我们的才干。(参林前6:13)。{CH 41}{AG 147.2}[2]
Life is a gift of God. Our bodies have been given us to use in God’s service, and He desires that we shall care for and appreciate them. We are possessed of physical as well as mental faculties. Our impulses and passions have their seat in the body, and therefore we must do nothing that would defile this entrusted possession. Our bodies must be kept in the best possible condition physically, and under the most spiritual influences, in order that we may make the best use of our talents. Read?1 Corinthians 6:13.59{AG 147.2}[2]
我们的身体是属于上帝的。祂不但为我们的灵魂,也为我们的身体付出了赎价。……上帝看顾着人体的机器。在照管我们的身体的事上,我们必须与祂合作。爱上帝的心对生命和健康是至关重要的。要有完美的健康,我们的心中应充满仁爱、盼望和喜乐。{AG 147.3}[3]
Our bodies belong to God. He paid the price of redemption for the body as well as the soul.... God is the great caretaker of the human machinery. In the care of our bodies we must cooperate with Him. Love for God is essential for life and health. In order to have perfect health our hearts must be filled with hope, and love, and joy.{AG 147.3}[3]
要严密看守低级的情欲。情欲一旦失去约束,人的感官就会严重滥用。当人放纵情欲时,体内的血液就不再流淌到身体各处,缓解心脏的压力并使思想清洁,反而会过度集中在内脏。结果就产生疾病。人便无法保持健康,直到查出弊病并予以纠正。{AG 147.4}[4]
The lower passions are to be strictly guarded. The perceptive faculties are abused, terribly abused, when the passions are allowed to run riot. When the passions are indulged, the blood, instead of circulating to all parts of the body, thereby relieving the heart and clearing the mind, is called in undue amount to the internal organs. Disease comes as the result. The man cannot be healthy until the evil is seen and remedied.{AG 147.4}[4]
“与主联合的”——在恩典的约里与主连在一起——“便是与主成为一灵。你们要逃避淫行”(林前6:17,18)。不要停留片刻去理论。撒但会喜悦看到你被试探颠覆。不要停下来去与你软弱的良心辩论。要转身离开犯罪的第一步。{AG 147.5}[5]
“He that is joined unto the Lord”—bound up with Christ in the covenant of grace—“is one spirit. Flee fornication” (1 Corinthians 6:17, 18). Do not stop for one moment to reason. Satan would rejoice to see you overthrown by temptation. Do not stop to argue the case with your weak conscience. Turn away from the first step of transgression.{AG 147.5}[5]
但愿凡自称聪明,觉得能靠自己的力量履行人生义务的人,都能效法约瑟的榜样。一个聪明人不会受自己的食欲和情欲控制,而会控制和管制它们。他必亲近上帝,努力预备身心去正确履行人生的职责。……撒但是毁灭者,基督是恢复者。{CH 586-588}{AG 147.6}[6]
Would that the example of Joseph might be followed by all who claim to be wise, who feel competent in their own strength to discharge the duties of life. A wise man will not be governed and controlled by his appetites and passions, but will control and govern them. He will draw nigh to God, striving to prepare mind and body to discharge aright the duties of life.... Satan is the destroyer; Christ the restorer.60{AG 147.6}[6]
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